xxxi. draw? draw.

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"I must say, I was surprised when I saw Robby Keene waiting at my door. I thought to myself: 'It can't be Christmas already?'" Wren said jokingly, offering him a sarcastic smile as she locked the door behind him, he waited patiently behind her. "So... How was your evening?" She asked innocently and ironically but Robby just shook his head, "I bet mine was worse..." She stated as she moved towards the staircase leading to her room, Robby followed close behind.

"Wanna bet? What does the winner get? I want to know my prize..." He told her and Wren scoffed, unzipping her hoodie and throwing it on the bed before sitting down on the edge.

"How about a cup of tea?" She asked him and Robby dropped his bag on her floor, that she hadn't noticed him carrying before, and sat on the floor beside it. Wren watched as he leaned against the wall, knocking his head against it. "That a deal?"

"Deal..." He said as he cast his mind back and held out a hand in front of him which Wren leaning down to shake. "I got shoved to the floor twice and my dad found out my sensei is his enemy and I found out a friend of mine is being trained by my dad, who I hate, and I pretty much got fired from my job and also my dojo, if that's possible..." Robby listed off, counting each offence on his fingers as he went. Wren let out a low whistle when he was finished. "Your turn."

"Okay, that's pretty hard to top but I'll try... I punched a girl in the face for talking shit about someone I care about, I'm pretty sure I've broken a finger because of that by the way if that gets me extra points. Err, let me think... I got pushed to the ground, though I'll admit only once, I got yelled at by my boyfriend? I'm not sure we hadn't really put a label on it, I got in a fight with the person I hook up with and then I walked three miles home..."

Robby mimicked her low whistle and shrugged, "Draw?"

"Draw." Wren confirmed as she stood from the bed and Robby noticed the bloody bandages wrapped around her hand

"How come, whenever I see you, you're always injured? It can't be healthy. You ought to be more careful." He said in a small sarcastic tone of voice which made Wren scoff.

"It's all part of my natural charm?" She said as if it was a question, making Robby laugh as she began to make two cups of tea. She walked back over holding two mugs and handed one to Robby before sitting next to him on the floor, she kept her tea spoon in her mug and continues to stir before offering it to Robby who took it from her.

"I didn't know you took karate." Wren blurted, looking at him over her shoulder, quick enough to see his shoulders tense ever so slightly, "What's wrong?"

"You're the friend, Johnny Lawrence is my dad." Robby told her and Wren nearly choked on her tea, Robby had to pat her on the back.

"Holy fuck, I had no idea you were his son!" She managed to say once she had gotten her breathing pattern right again, "I swear I had no clue." Wren tried to tell him, knowing from Johnny how his son hated him for not being there for him when he was younger. Surely Robby would be angry at her for even being in Cobra Kai in the first place but she was surprised to see him rather calm.

"I know." Robby said simply before sipping his tea slightly, "But when Mr LaRusso found out he kicked me out."

"Oh Keene, I'm so sorry." Wren said gently, leaning back against the wall, "Don't worry, he'll come around." She tried to comfort him and failing and Robby could see it but he appreciated her efforts.

"I don't know, he seemed pretty mad..." Robby trailed off, he had felt terrible after leaving the LaRusso's, after all, Mr LaRusso had taught him countless things he had missed growing up. It was the first time in a long time he felt like he could trust an adult.

"You could always work here." Wren blurted, "I mean, so far the staff consists of Mr James who works full time, all day every day and I do when I'm not at school or training. We could use another set of hands." Wren rambled, "Just come in during a working day and ask for me, if i'm not at the desk, Mr. James will probably just ask you questions on how you know me... Do me a favour and just say we met at school, he doesn't really know about the how- jumping incident..."

"I'll think about it, thanks." Robby offered her a warm smile, "It means a lot."

"No problem, Keene. I do still sort of feel like I owe you because of how we met, you did save my ass." Wren thought out loud and Robby seemed to consider this but enede up shaking his head.

"Not after tonight, it took some courage to stand up to your friends for me. I won't forget that."

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