xlviii. three generations

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It was a Thursday afternoon when Robby and Wren came down from her room, on the way to training to find Mr James perched in his arm chair, scribbling in his note book.

"Hey Mr James, we're heading out to training. Do you need anything from the store on our way back?" Wren asked, grabbing her keys from the countertop in case he was gone when they returned, either way she would see him tomorrow.

"Oh, Little Bird, could you please get me some more hand soap and tea bags and jasmine hand soap. I'm running dangerously low on both and I require both to function." He uttered, holding his notebook in one hand, he pushed himself up from his chair.

"Sure thing. No food or anything?" She paused, Robby just listened respectfully even though they were already late. Mr James had immediately become one of the most trustworthy people in his life and he wouldn't have it any other way. There was so much in him that reminded him of Wren, or maybe it was the other way around.

Protectiveness. Sarcasm. All the important things.

Either way, even though they weren't related. Robby had to agree with what Wren said the other night when they went to the LaRusso's...
They were a family.

Which he also wouldn't have any other way.

"Didn't you hear?" Will called out from one of the rows of shelves, he came out with a box balanced on his hip, "Noah's a machine. All he needs is tea and soap and he is working all week." Will said as if it was a fact and moved past the desk, Mr James gave him a fist bump as he did.

Wren shook her head in both disbelief and laughter.

"Sure thing Mr James, we'll be back soon..." Robby told him and headed for the door, Wren looked over at Will who had continued stacking books.

"Hey, Will..." He looked over the moment she called his name, "You're in charge, okay?" She asked, throwing a look at Mr James, who looked mildly offended.

"Yes ma'am." Will fake saluted and Mr James tutted, shaking his head and waving his walking stick.

"Off with you now! Hooligans!" He shouted as Robby and Wren left the shop, the small bell ringing above them as they did.

"Is anyone else even here?" Robby asked Wren as he set his bag down beside the mats, Wren peered into the back room.

"I don't think so." She replied just as Kreese stepped out from his office, cigar in hand whilst the other hand had his thumb hooked on his belt.

"No, they're not." He told them both and Wren dropped her bag and dropped Robby on the mat, neither wore their gis but instead normal work out clothes. "I cancelled training for the others today..." He explained, Wren and Robby threw each other a weary look.
"Can we ask why, sensei?" Wren inquired, fixing her eyes on Kreese.

"Because for the next All Valley, the board has decided to switch things up a bit..." Kreese dragged his words out, pronouncing everything slightly slower than what felt normal, testing Wren's patience.

"Are you going to tell us what it is, or...." She asked mockingly, which only made Kreese smirk, he could see she was impatient to get started.
"There will be a boys and girls category... Meaning there will be two All Valley Champions and I want it to be the two of you. In fact, I know it will be." He told them and Wren's brows shot up but Robby beat her to the question.

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now