xxxviii. face to face.

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Tory and Wren stood side by side in the middle of the park, Wren perched on the edge of a bench with her elbows resting on her knees whilst Tory remained standing, her arms crossed, scanning the space around them.

"What time did he say?" Wren asked, craning her neck up to look at Tory.

"They'll be here."

And as if on queue, Kreese rounded the corner with a few other Cobra Kai students. "Evans, Nichols, s glad of you both to join us..." He told them, Wren stood and the two girls made their way over, standing face to face with Kreese.

"We wouldn't miss it sensei." Tory said, a smirk evident in her voice and Wren clenched her teeth, giving a slight tip of her head in agreement. Kreese's eyes skimmed over her face, studying her, before turning his attention back to the other students behind him.

"Follow me."

And they all did, they followed their sensei through the park until they reached a large section of vegetation and by the corner of it, already looking around the large bushes, was Hawk.

Wren threw Tory a stern look, she just clenched her teeth. No one said anything. Hawk turned to see them all behind him.
"Are they there?" Kreese asked him and Hawks eyes skimmed over Wren, who just stared coldly, before meeting his Sensei's eyes.
"Yes sensei."

"Perfect." Kreese smiled, turning back to the group he eyes Wren and Kyler up and down, as if trying to chose between the two. "Evans, go and remember, don't say a word."

Wren swallowed, throwing a Kyler a look over her shoulder before pushing forward. She rounded the bush only to see Hawk following close behind her...

"Wren..." He whispered.

"Fuck. Off." She snapped.

The pair came around the edge of the bush to see the assembly of Johnny's new dojo, all wearing red tee-shirts with eagles on them. Johnny's back had been to them but when Miguel narrowed his eyes, all of his student's remaining the same expression, he turned to see his two ex-students.

"Alright everybody. Looks like our class just got a little bit bigger. Make room." He said happily, gesturing for his few students to move up along the grass. Wren's heart broke for him.

She and Hawk remained stoic as Tory and Kyler followed them around the corner. Immediately, Miguel's expression dropped. He knew having them both come back was too good to be true. His resentment towards Wren was still unleveled, but at least she was out of Cobra Kai- he was mistaken.

Johnny turned around fully, keeping his students behind him to spy Kreese and the rest of Cobra Kai emerge from the corner. Johnny glanced at his feet, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I told you, Cobra Kai for life." Hawk eyed Johnny's students. Kreese made his way past him, pressing a hand to Hawk's shoulder before continuing through to face Johnny.

"Don't worry, Johnny. I'm not here for a fight." Kreese removed his sunglasses.

"Yeah? Then why the hell are you here?" Johnny replied, his voice was flat and firm, as if determined to prove he wasn't intimidated by Kreese's numbers. Or Kreese for that matter.

"I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong."

"You're crazy if you think I would ever team up with you again." He told him, "The garbage you're feeding them, the shit they're pulling," Johnny's eyes skimmed the kids he used to teach, "It's messed up." His eyes landed on Wren, as if he was speaking directly to her. He fixed his eyes on Kreese once more, "You're to blame for that."

"I have to disagree with you there." Kreese replied, "I care about my students," He turned his back to Johnny and returned to his students who had been standing behind him. Slotting himself directly between Wren and Tory. "They're strong and they're true fighters. And they wouldn't make the mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma!" He half shouted sending Wren's skin crawling.

Miguel mindlessly stepped forward and, beating Hawk too it, Wren stepped forward too without even thinking. It was ironic in a way, because she knew out of all of them, she was the most likely to show mercy and yet- if there was going to be a fight at that very moment, Wren wanted nothing more than to be in it.

But this time... Maybe she would intend to hurt people instead of protect them.

But instead of facing off with Miguel, Kreese placed his hand on her shoulder, catching her attention and Wren stopped in her tracks slowly. She remained behind him.

"This is it Johnny. There's not going to be another chance." Kreese told Johnny.

"Good." Johnny snapped, clenching his jaw and staring Kreese in the eye to show he wasn't afraid.

"You made your choice." Kreese listed his finger and gestured at Johnny, "And you are going to regret it." Without another word, Kreese turned and filtered through his students and one by one everyone began to follow, each of them throwing Johnny's new team a dirty look as they did.

Except Wren, who followed, but couldn't manage to look Johnny or Miguel in the eye.

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