xxvii. cold water.

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Hawk didn't need to be told to start, he kicked the boy in the face, knocking him down without a second thought. Wren saw Kyler flinch out of the corner of her eye.


The boy backed up, trying to create some distance but Hawk was fast, landing hit after hit to the boy's face and upper body. Firm and fast, punch after punch. The boy tried to duck and charge, using his weight in his favour but Hawk sidestepped, grabbing his hood and yanking him back.

With a firm grip on his sweater, Hawk threw a few solid hits to the boy's face. The boy swung his arm but only succeeded in opening and exposing his chest, Hawk's elbowed him in the sternum, knocking the air out of the boy. Hawk punched him in the mouth, blood began to trickle from his lip.

The boy pulled back but only for a moment, he was getting tired, he was getting weak, everyone could see it. Hawk kneed him in the ribs again and again before finally letting go.

"Wait." The boy said breathlessly, "Stop." He pleaded but it was futile, Hawk grabbed him and threw him on the mat, rolling over him so his knees were on either side of his hips.

"Finish him." Came Kreese voice and all the others could see that was all Hawk needed. Then again, Wren wasn't even sure, no she was certain, Hawk didn't even need their Sensei's approval. He would have done this anyway. It was inevitable.

Hawk punched him again and again, alternating fists to minimise fatigue. The boy didn't fight anymore. Again and again. Fist after fist. Punch after punch. Hawk yelled in effort as thick blood painted his knuckles and yet no one stopped him.

Not even Kyler, who had since closed his eyes.

"Watch." Wren uttered, he listened, opening his eyes once more. She knew he needed to watch this, to see and understand. Wren wanted Kyler to feel and to know that this was his fault.

This is on you.

Even though he had won his fight, she knew Kyler was weak. Physically, he may have been capable, but she could see he didn't care about his friend enough to interject and stand up for him.

She could see he was afraid of Hawk.

As he should be.

She let her mind flicker back to when she had first known Hawk as Eli. Kind and compassionate. Timid but caring. Elements of that boy were still there, she knew they were, but his soft exterior had since hardened and she thought, maybe, just maybe, if it hadn't been for Kyler and his friends... She never would have fought with Hawk about anything at all, all their lies and secrets, excluding Rue, had begun once he had shifted to Hawk. And it was all because of Kyler.

She fixed her focus back on the fight but it was over, it had been for a while. Hawk pushed himself up and spat on the boy sprawled on the floor but Wren didn't look at him, her gaze was fixed on Hawk as he moved to stand between her and Kyler- making sure to fix him with a threatening stare.

"All right, class. I think we can call it a day." Kreese called out, no one moved. "Somebody pick him up."

Wren trailed after Hawk, who had disappeared into the changing room after everyone was dismissed. The room itself was deserted, hardly anyone ever used it but she found Hawk standing in the corner of the room splashing cold water onto his face by the small sink.

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