xxxix. their fight.

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One more fight, she only needed one more win before Wren made it to the semi finals and it was against Hawk.
They made eye contact once they were on the mat and Wren took a long deep breath, Miguel and Xavier, the winner from last year, were already through. Robby was in the middle of a match and she presumed he would get through too.

The only thing standing in her way to join them was Hawk and she was in her way too.
"Good luck." Hawk said to her as they bowed, and Wren felt a surge of emotion. She thought of him and her kissing on the log last night. She thought of what Will or Mr James would say, probably: "You've got this, little bird." She thought of her mother, who was miles and miles away, she thought of her father.

It made you stronger. She thought.

I was a child. I didn't need to be stronger. I needed to be safe.

And the match began.

Hawk kicked first, aiming right for her head but his balance was off and aimed at her shoulder instead. That was his first mistake, Wren grabbed his leg and twisted, he lost his stance and fell, she struck his middle.

"One point, Evans."

Wren positioned her leg forwards and remembered back in the dojo, she knew Hawk, knew how he fought. She knew his style, aggressive and forceful. He sidestepped her attack and linked his arm around her waist. Wren sucked in a breath and anticipated her contact with the mat but as he lifted her she swung her legs around his neck and twisted, Hawk landed on the mat with such force, he almost didn't get up.

His eyes were wide in what seemed like shock and awe mixed together. Of course, he didn't know about the few nights she had snuck into the dojo after rough nights or long days and punched and kicked until she couldn't feel her hands and feet. Just like last night when she got home to find Robby waiting for her.


In a split second she glanced over her shoulder and saw him standing behind her, his arms crossed with a firm, warm smile on his face. He gave her a short nod.

You can do this.

It seemed to say. And she believed him, even if it was against Hawk. One more win. That was all she needed and Hawk still needed to build some ground if he had a chance to beat her. A chance she wouldn't give him.

Hawk had seen the whole exchange between the friends and his blood boiled at the sight of Robby. Even though he was innocent last night, Miguel had made that clear, Robby still looked at Wren in a way meant they trusted each other. In a way she didn't trust Hawk. He would spend hours listening to her if she gave him the chance, seemingly a chance she gave Robby.

He wanted to beat her even though he didn't know what she was going through. That was her choice.

He wanted to beat Robby and if that meant winning his match against Wren, then so be it.

Hawk lunged for her, catching Wren slightly off guard since she didn't hear the fight begin. But that was because it hadn't. Hawk had begun it himself and she sidestepped, kicking his back as he fell forward, his momentum carrying him too far.

"Argghh!" He yelled in frustration.
Wren struck for him this time, taking a step forward and a deep breath, she spun and kicked his face, knocking him over and just like that.

Hawk was out.

"And it's a three knill win for Evans as she joins Stone, Diaz and Keene in the semi finals!" The announcer boomed and the crowd cheered for her. Wren turned to look at Hawk who rubbed his face as he pushed himself to his feet.

"Hawk." She said gently but he was already walking away.
"Whatever." Wren looked down, her cracked knuckles had began to bleed slightly and she sighed as the referee took her arm and lifted it above her head.

Even though she had won, Wren couldn't help but feel like she had lost something. And deep down she knew it was her own fault. Deep down she knew Hawk was right.

How could she ask anyone to love her when all she did was begged to be left alone?

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now