xxix. the roller rink.

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Wren couldn't roller skate and yet somehow she had let Tory talk her into coming to the roller rink where she worked on 80's night just so she could "have some fun" where her words.

Wren knew Tory was right... Lately she had been spending so much time thinking about other people: Hawk, Robby, Sam... She had barley had enough time to kick back and relax. It was ironic that this was where they ended up because A) She couldn't skate and B) Wren felt like she was third wheeling for Tory and Miguel.

Truth be told she didn't mind all that much but it still made her wonder what Hawk was doing right at that moment... Whether if he was planning another plot to strike against Miyagi-Do that she would be blamed for... Or if he even felt sorry for what he did? Wren pushed away the thought.

She hadn't told anyone about Robby and Sam's kiss. She didn't want to think about it-

So whilst Tory was working and Miguel was trying to find his feet on the rink, Wren sat in a small booth with a basket of fries, a large coke and a book. And at that moment, there was no place she would rather be...

"Hey, Wren, have you seen Tory?" Miguel asked, skating over to the table causing Wren to place her book face down on the table and set her drink down too.
"You scared me..." She told him, placing a hand on her chest before simmering into laughter.

"Sorry, whenever you read you disappear.." Miguel told her and Wren shook her head lightly at him. She pushed herself out of the booth and scanned the area for Tory.
"Last time I saw her she was by the tables on the other side of the floor but- oh there she is..." wren pointed to where she spied Tory talking to two people by the door.

"Awesome, thanks..." Miguel told her and skated over- thoughtlessly, Wren followed. Miguel reached her first but he had the advantage of being on wheels. "What time do you go on break?" He asked his girlfriend, not even glancing at the two people Tory had been talking to, "I wanted to time it out so the fires were extra crispy." Tory threw her eyes towards the two people and Miguel saw it was Sam and Robby just as Wren realised it too when she was a metre away from the group.

Wren silently stood on the other side of Tory, there had been no chance of turning around and besides, she wanted to say hi. Both Sam and Robby saw her as she threw a smirk at Tory, who gave her one back.

"Hey, I didn't recognise you. I..." He paused, unsure of what to say, "dig the costumes." Is what he came up with.
"Thanks." Sam replied, not quite letting her eyes meet his as they fell on Wren instead. Sam felt her chest tighten at the memory of starting a fight with her and not hitting her once. Sam clenched her teeth before looking over at Robby.

He couldn't look at her either but for an entirely different reason.

"Uh, Tory, this is Sam and Robby." Miguel introduced and Tory nodded her head lightly.
"Yeah, I've actually heard a lot about you both," Tory told them, for a split moment throwing a glance at Wren who was still hiding the subtlest of smirks. You had to know her in order to see it and Tory saw it clear as day. "Plus, Sam and I have actually already met... Wren and I had a little run in with her at the beach club." Miguel looked from Wren to Tory, then back at Sam.

Wren couldn't help but scoff at the memory.
"That's one way of putting it..." She uttered under her breath. Robby fixed his eyes on her so when Wren's eyes shifted to his- he had already been staring.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Sam asked Miguel and Tory, trying to ignore Wren all together, which Wren rather enjoyed. It meant she was getting to Sam and she was all for it.

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