xxix. keys.

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Wren answered her phone as it wrung in her pocket on her way back to the Bookshelf. Mr James had most likely gone home for the evening and, now knowing that Will and Robby were okay and together, Wren wanted nothing more than to lie down and get some proper sleep before school tomorrow.

She had missed a fair few classes at the beginning of the year due to the fight but had been catching up nicely since then.

Looking down at her phone screen she saw it was Tory. Wren answered on the third ring.


Hey, she heard Tory answer down the phone. I just wanted to check up on you after training today. I saw you talking to Kyler during Hawk's fight... She trailed off for Wren to elaborate.

"Yeah, no, thanks Tory. I'm fine. It was more Hawk I was worried about." Wren explained, looking at the sidewalk as she continued on her way home. "I suppose I wanted him to scare Kyler," Wren took a deep breath, "I think he managed that."

Yeah, I think so too... And everything is okay with you two now?

"Yeah, we've decided to be friends." Wren told her flatly, remembering how Hawk had placed her hands on his chest and how Wren had ripped them away like the touch burned her. "Don't worry, we're civil." She added in a mocking voice, Wren felt all sense of fatigue drain from her and suddenly realised how long it had been since her and Tory just hung out. "Hey, I think Mr James has gone home for the night, wanna come over. We can make pop corn and watch a bad movie?" Wren asked, she heard Tory sigh down the phone.

I would love that, but can we get a rain check? I gotta look after mom tonight, my brother is at a friend's house.

Wren had always known Tory's mom wasn't well and felt bad having forgotten how much attention and help she needed. Wren barely managed to look after herself, she couldn't imagine having to look after herself and someone else full time.

When she had looked after Robby, he could still clothe himself, feed himself. Tory and her brother had to to all those things for her mom. Wren felt her stomach sink.

"No problem, how is she?"

No worse, no better. She has a nurse coming over on Wednesday for a checkup, so hopefully we'll see something good.

"I hope so too, you sure you don't want some company? I could come to you?" Wren offered, willing turn turn around and make her way to Tory's if she said the word.

No, it's okay. I promise I'm fine. Wren listened to the slight strain in her voice, But also, I didn't know if you knew or not but Miguel is coming back to school next week. Hawk texted me and told me Miguel's been working with Sensei- Mr Lawrence and is walking again.

Wren didn't miss how she almost called Johnny her sensei. Almost everyone had turned their back on him because Kreese took over the dojo... Wren hadn't spoken to him since he went looking for Robby. She needed to find him- make sure he was alright at some point. But she also had no clue where to start... She didn't know where to find him... She would figure it out.

"That's great." Wren answered, her chest tightened as she pushed away the thought of Johnny and focused on her last encounter with Miguel. She had deserved everything he had said. He was right after all. Everyone knew she had saved him but hardly anyone knew that she had also betrayed him.

Hey, Wren? Tory called out down the phone after a short pause of silence.


He'll come around. You just wanted to look after Robby, he'll see that in the long run. Don't worry about it. What matters is that Miguel is up and walking.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Sorry. Hey, I'm practically home now but I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Wren asked, though she still had two streets to track down before she got to the bookshelf.

Sounds good, see you tomorrow.



Wren couldn't help but turn the information over and over in her mind. Miguel was up and walking. That was amazing. Truly amazing, there was no doubt about that in Wren's mind. She felt like a weight had been shifted from her chest whenever she remained herself but she was still over come with guilt that he had even been in the hospital at all.

"How can you stand there having saved him again, the same boy who put me here, and look me in the eye and tell me you're sorry? You have got to stop looking for the fucking good in people Wren and start looking at what they show you! Look at me! Imay never walk again thanks to him! I'm stuck here and there you two were hiding away knowing I was rotting here!"

Miguel shouting at her that day was something she would never let herself forget. He was right. He was right. How would he treat her at school? He had every right to still be angry with her, she knew that. But Wren had no idea on how to start to fix things.

She didn't know if her even wanted to fix things. They had once been best friends. Could they be that again? How could she go about trying to fix something that he wanted to stay broken?

God Wren wanted to scream, cry, shout. Anything to release the burning, twisting sensation in her chest. She thought about turning around and going to the dojo to blow off some steam but she Wren thought sleep was the best option. To sink under her covers and drift into a dream that she hoped could be a happy one.

On the final stretch of sidewalk to The Bookshelf, Wren shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out her keys, looking down she fumbled to find the right one as she approached the front of the shop she hadn't even noticed the stranger waiting at her doorstep.

Well. Almost a stranger. But she might as well have been.

"Wren?" Her voice cracked through Wren's train of thought and she fixed her eyes on the woman. Instantly, her knees felt weak as her expression fell slack.


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