xxvii. leave it alone.

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"Hey." He greeted his girl friend.

"Hey." She replied, friendly and with a smile. Wren stood behind Miguel and moved to his side, looking up at him, unsure of what to do with herself at that current moment, but wanting to keep the situation contained as she knew how angry Miguel must be feeling and wanted to support her friend.

"Who's this guy?" Miguel asked and Wren looked over and did a slight and subtle double take as she felt her heart beat pick up ever so slightly at the surprise.

"Keene?" She asked and Robby let his mouth fall open just a little. He hadn't recognized Wren at first because of the darkness that enveloped her as she walked over, but now he would know her anywhere.

"Evans? Hey, how's it going? How's your head?" He asked, chuckling slightly, and Wren felt ever so slightly irritated for some reason. It was a fair question but she didn't expect it to be his first one. Wren had welcomed him into her home, showing him her small corner of the world and yet he hadn't bothered to come back because he had been hanging around with Samantha LaRusso, who has a boyfriend.

Wren swallowed her tongue, now wasn't the time or place to argue and Robby wasn't her primary concern, she needed to make sure Miguel didn't do anything stupid.

"Wait, wait, you know this guy?" Miguel said, taking a step back, looking from Wren to Sam and then finally to Robby and then back to Wren again, Sam spoke up first.

"Hey, I-" Sam began but Robby just looked confused...

"Wait, this is your boyfriend?" He asked Sam, changing the conversation but at the same time he let his eyes slide back to Wren. He wanted to say more to her. There was so much more he could of said and yet that was all he came up with.

"Yeah," Sam answered, innocently and Wren didn't blame her, Miguel had consumed a lot that night and Wren was all too aware of the side effects of alcohol. It made you impulsive and aggressive in some cases and by the look on Miguel's face, he was looking for an argument.

"Hey, Miguel, you need to relax," Wren told him gently, putting her arm on his as if pulling him back down to earth, all three were looking at her and Robby spied the blood crusted on her knuckles. She'd been in a fight and he knew it, he wanted to ask with who and why but Robby swallowed his tongue.

"This is Robby, he works for my dad." Sam tried to explain to Miguel, yet as her words were directed at him, Sam found herself staring at where Wren had her hand on Miguel. "I'm sorry can you not touch him like that please, he's clearly quite drunk," Sam asked her calmly and Wren furrowed her brows and bit her lip, taken by surprise at her request.

"Oh, err, sure... sorry." She said, stepping back like Sam requested. She didn't see the harm in it she had just figured Miguel needed the support but she didn't question it and was just trying to diffuse to situation.

"No, she's fine. You were helping me, right Wren?" Miguel asked her whilst extending his arm over her shoulder, pulling her back towards him.

"Miguel, stop this," Wren said to him firmly but quietly but he just kept talking.

"So Robby, you work with her dad...Ok, that makes a lot of sense." He thought out loud to himself. Wren let her eyes skim over to Robby for a split second and saw him stand just a little bit closer to Sam now, which she could tell set Miguel on edge even further.

"I think everyone needs to back up, including you," Wren said calmly, putting her hand on Miguel's side to push him away from her, Robby offered her an arm and she took it. He also offered her a short nod as if asking if she was okay, she swallowed and nodded back but kept her lips pursed together. Miguel let his arm fall as he kept his eyes trained on Sam, who now had her arms folded defensively.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked Miguel and Robby couldn't help but throw Wren a look which she didn't return but he noticed her rubbing her shoulder from Miguel's grip, It hadn't been that hard but he clearly wasn't thinking straight. "How much have you had to drink?" She added.

"No, no, no, you don't get to turn this around on me." He said flatly, "I texted and called you all day. And you couldn't answer me back once?" His voice raised slightly in a way Wren hated, she clenched her jaw. Sam just looked confused but tried to explain herself.

"No, I literally couldn't. My mom took my phone." Sam tried to tell him but Miguel just nodded along mockingly.

"Oh, that's so convenient." He told her as if it was obvious. And in that moment, Wren knew this wasn't going to end well... not in the slightest.

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now