xx. his son.

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Wren stood outside the dojo and clicked her lighter once, then twice and took a long drag of her cigarette as she dropped her lighter back in her jacket pocket. She tucked on hand under her arm and leaned against the wall, crossing one leg under the other.

She heard the door open but didn't look up as Johnny approached her, two drinks in hand. "Here." Johnny extended his arm and held out a drink to Wren, she shook her head slightly then glanced at her feet. The pair were waiting for Miguel to get back from his date and together they would celebrate, but for some reason, Wren just wasn't in the mood.

"No thanks, I don't drink." She told him as she took another long drag. She didn't mind smoking, in fact, she did it all the time. It was just alcohol she didn't like. It just... reminded her of her father and she would do anything to not remind herself of Leo Evans. She sighed and her chest felt heavy due to the intake of smoke and the brutal stirr of memories from the board meeting and Johnny could see it written on her face, despite her blank expression.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, setting the extra drink down beside the wall and moving to sit on the curb. Wren shrugged and followed him, sitting next to Johnny and continuing to smoke.

"There's nothing to talk about." She lied, giving him a reassuring glance, "It's all in the past anyway, no point in moping about it." She half chuckled, letting the smoke fill her up and she gave a dramatic long sigh as she let it all out.

"My old man was no ray of sunshine either. Always having a go at my mother and me." He told her, a sad smile on his face, "Eventually he got up and left, we weren't really sure what to do. But not long after my mum met this guy, Sid." He leaned back on one his hands and took a long swig of his drink.

"Not much of an improvement, huh?" Wren asked.

"Not in the slightest, the guy was a leach." Johnny shook his head and suddenly his mind flickered back to the sense of relief he had felt when he finally moved out, "I was so exited to leave but my biggest regret was always leaving my mother behind." He looked up at Wren who was staring at him, her fingers clutched her cigarette but her expression was slack of any emotion.

"What happened?"

"She died not long before my son was born."

"Sensei...I'm sorry." Wren told him quietly.

"When I was supposed to be at his birth, I was across the street in a bar... trying to get the course to walk across the street. I never got there." He paused, "I failed my kid on his very first day in this world and I've been failing him every day since."

"You don't have to tell me this, sensei, this is personal." She said gently.

"It's one of the most painful things in my life." He swallowed but pointed a hand, "But one of the best things has been teaching you and Miguel. And no matter what happens, if it ever gets bad again... When you feel too afraid to sleep at home. Come to me. Promise me." He told her, and Wren gave him a smile.

"I will. I promise."

Johnny patted her shoulder and she chuckled as she shrugged him off, he laughed too and she felt the memories fade. Of course, they were still there, they always would be and yet she was getting better at pushing them away. Whenever she was with Hawk, Will, Demetri, Miguel, Mr James or Johnny, Wren felt them wash away, like markings on the sand being overcome by the incoming tide.

"Now come on, help me put up this badass poster for the All Valley. Let's celebrate!" Johnny laughed, standing from the side and giving her a hand up. She laughed at his enthusiasm and stubbed out her cigarette, flicking it away.

"You got it, boss."

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