xvi. the past.

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Wren didn't like the mall. It was too busy. Too many people manoeuvring in and out of each other without even glancing where they were going. There was too many strangers and too many people watching. Wren preferred her privacy. Some people's idea of a fun day out was the mall and she could see why that was sometimes the case. Hanging out with friends, shopping for clothes, listening to new music, the only difference was that Wren's idea of a fun day was cosied up with a book and a blanket and a mug of something hot.

Anyway, it's not like she had much say in the matter, Tory had insisted she join them when the team decided to hang out at the mall one Saturday afternoon on their day off from training.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Wren had told her flatly when they got off the bus and headed towards the mall, arms linked at their sides, mainly for support but also so Tory could make sure Wren didn't try to bolt.

"Common, we're your team, remember? Please, just stay for an hour or two, lets get something to eat and then if you're still miserable, we'll leave. Okay?" She asked and Wren sighed but agreed nonetheless.

But Wren also had a feeling Tory had a thing for Miguel, though she hadn't actually told her outright. Wren liked to think she was very good at reading people. She only felt bad because Wren knew all too well Miguel still wanted to try and win Sam back.

But Wren pushed away the thought when Tory looked over at Wren, smiling... And Wren knew she was in trouble.
"Let's go find everyone." Tory told her and the pair made their way through the crowds of strangers manoeuvring in and out of each other, who most we'ren't even glancing where they were going and found a small dimly lit dinner, where the team had agreed to meet.

"Hey, guys." The pair of girls turned their head to see Miguel just arriving, carrying his laptop underneath his arm.
"Hey, Miguel." Tory replied, letting go of Wren's arm since the pair were already at the dinner and smiling up at him. Not a grin, but a mischievous smile and Wren looked at her feet, before glancing back up to Miguel, not saying a word.

"Wren, is it alright if I talk to you before we go in?" He asked and Tory took a step towards the dinner.
"No problem, I'll see you guys inside." She said simply, before Wren could even reply, disappearing into the room to sit with the others.

"I don't get a say in this do I?" Wren asked, crossing her arms as the pair stood to the right of the doorway, just out of sight of the others.
"Wren, please hear me out." Miguel pleaded and Wren unfolded her arms, letting them fall to her side, she sighed before throwing her shoulder in a loose shrug in defeat.

It would be a lie if she said she was mad at Miguel at all. Sure, she knew for sure he had had a large hand in organising Cobra Kai's part in Valley Fest, taking over Miyagi-Do's demonstration like that... But really, Wren knew he wouldn't hurt her like that on purpose.

"I knew we should have told you, filled you in even if you didn't want to join us but you don't have a phone and I didn't know where to find you either..." Miguel reminded her of two more secrets she held to her heart. That she had broken her phone by being jumped by those men the night she met Robby. Or that she lives alone above an old bookshop. She felt a twist of guilt surge in her chest. "...I just wanted to say sorry for that, and for the way me and Hawk acted... Following you to the juvie centre I mean... I'm sorry for that." Miguel told his friend and his voice was lined with such an untrained sincerity it made Wren smile. A small one but it was there.

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