xiii. the trick. the trap.

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If you were to ask Wren what happened next, you wouldn't get it in the right order. No, for the next part she was too blinded by rage to get anything right. Overcome by fear. Overwhelmed by grief because she knew what was coming. But her rage, oh her anger was the worst part. That was the worst of it without question.

One moment, she had been smiling at Shannon, feeling like she could tell this woman, whom she met mere moments ago and prior to today hated, anything. Relived that she could finally talk to someone about her feelings for Robby who appreciated him and cared for him as much as she did... And then that feeling shattered when she saw a cop car pull into the parking lot.

Without a second thought, Wren stood up and stared at the red and blue lights, her heartbeat was hammering in her ears and yet she still managed to hear their radios chattering as two cops exited their car.

Wren, wide eyes and scared, looked at Shannon, who wore an expression of pure confusion. She held out her hands to calm Wren down but instead she turned and bolted for the gate, the cops saw and ran towards the garden so she wouldn't get away.

No. Not her. Robby. So Robby wouldn't get away.

Wren turned into the garden and saw Daniel and Robby exactly how she had left them, sat opposite each other talking softly, using calm words. She ran up to Robby and grabbed his shoulder, he turned to look up at her instantly, breaking his conversation off immediately.

And one look. That was all he needed to know something was undoubtedly, undeniably and incredibly wrong.

"Cops." Wren said breathlessly, Robby tore his eyes from her to the gate but it was too late, there already stood there, hands on their belt, ready for him. Robby turned to Daniel, who was on his feet now. Wren grabbed Robby's hands and stood behind him, she was facing the gate, clutching his hand as they stood back to back, watching different people with wide eyes.

Wren squeezed his hand. He squeezed back.

"What did you do?" Robby asked Daniel, his voice was soft, interlaced with a cold hostility as he surveyed the man who said he would protect him and yet had now thrown him to the wolves he had spent weeks evading successfully.

"I told them you'd turn yourself in." Robby's back tensed against Wren's; she turned away from the cops to face Daniel side by side with Robby, their hands tightly intertwined to anchor each other. "Trust me, the sentence will be much lighter." Daniel explained calmly and curtly, as if that made everything okay. To justify his betreyal.

"Daniel, what have you done?" Wren breathed to herself, her legs feeling weaker by the moment with her searing rage threatening to choke her.

"No, no, no, I can't!" Robby yelled, holding Wren's hand tighter, she grabbed ahold of his arms with her other hand now thoughtlessly, keeping them side by side.

"You can. You have to."
"You kept me talking so that I wouldn't leave."

"This, this was your plan from the start-" Wren found her voice, on the verge of shouting at the man in front of them, "You knew Robby would want to see Shannon, this was a set up from the start! It was a trap!" She yelled that time, clenching her teeth and taking in a sharp breath.

"No, I was trying to help you." Daniel shouted back, flustered.

"Run." Wren whispered and suddenly let go of Robby's arm, pushing him behind her. Robby didn't think twice, he turned and bolted in the other direction but this whole thing was too far gone. There was no way out.

Daniel grabbed Wren and yanked her out of the way of the cop that chased Robby, the tall man grabbed him and pulled his arms behind his back.
"Hey. Hey! Easy with him!" Daniel shouted, he let go of Wren and ran over to Robby, Wren placed her hands over her ears at the noise of Daniel yelling.

This. This whole thing. Daniel telling Wren to bring Robby here. It had been a mistake. It had been a trap. Daniel had planned this from the start. No.

Robby was placed in handcuffs.

"No! No, let him go... Let him go!" Wren shouted, running up behind Daniel but he held out an arm to keep her back. Shannon was beside her in an instant and put her arm around Wren.

"Robby, this is only temporary. I will get you through this, ok?" Daniel tried to reason, "I will visit you every day, I promise."

"Don't bother." Robby told him in a low voice, betrayed, defeated as the cop began to lead him away.

Wren turned to watch him go and darted to his side, she threw her arms around him, even though he was unable to hug her back, and to her surprise, no one tried to pry her off. Because he was in cuffs, the cops knew he wasn't going anywhere so they let them say their brief goodbyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." She muttered into his shirt but it was futile, Robby had no choice so he didn't reply. She pulled back, cupping his cheeks with her hands, rubbing circles with her thumbs soothingly. Tears burned behind her eyes but she refused to let any fall.

"It's not your fault, Wren." Robby told her, clenching his jaw in defeat, "Just, stay safe. I'm sorry, I have to go." He muttered and Wren pulled him in, she kissed him lightly, running a hand through the back of his hair before hugging him once more.

"Okay, break it up, let's go." One of the cops said roughly and grabbed Robby's arm to lead him to the car.
"No." Robby protested but the cop just pulled him harder, dragging him away. Wren had no choice.

She had to let go.
She had to let go. Again.

"Find Will Larson." She told Robby, keeping up with the cop even though she was already breathless and in shock. "Find Larson, he'll help you. Tell him everything." Wren told him and Robby only looked at her, tired and ashamed before the cop placed a hand on his head, ushering him into the back seat.

"No." Wren whispered and watched helplessly as Robby was taken away.

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