xxxi. torn.

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All Robby wanted to do was sleep. He had already known today would be strenuous but working 8 hours of volunteering had taken more out of him than any of Mr LaRusso's training exercises ever could.

Robby strolled from the showers and down the hall with heavy limbs, his towel slung over his shoulder, his hair damp and navigated his way into the room where they all slept.

Will wasn't there- he was still in the showers but Robby felt as if all the boys in their room had become familiar with him by now. They knew he was a friend of Will's. So they left him alone. Robby admired how much the other boys looked up to Will. It was rather inexplicable but impressive nonetheless.

Robby's eyes trailed from his feet over to his much needed bed and suddenly he felt his heart sink.
Sprawled around his bed, Will's too, were book pages. Shredded and discarded on the floor, their blanket, their pillows. Robby paused where he stood about a metre away from the mattresses.

He felt his chest tighten and his fists clench. The books Wren had given them. He felt his legs go stiff but turned quickly when he saw someone approaching him out of the corner of his eye.

In front of him was Shawn.

Robby had never properly spoken to him directly. Will had warned him to steer clear on his first night at the Juvenile Detention Center. He remembered Will's words as clear as day:

When he's around, keep your head down... Don't talk to him. Don't give him any reason to start anything. Do that and you should be alright, eh Keene?

But what was Robby to do with Shawn standing in front of him, with a thick grin plastered on his face after he shredded something that was keeping Robby sane, with Will nowhere in sight?

"Shame that." Shawn uttered, his hands were slung in his pockets but he dipped his head towards the vandalised book. "Guess you should be more careful what you do with your stuff..." His sleek smirk seemed to widen, if that was possible and Robby clenched his jaw.
Shawn was alone, his normal two goones weren't with him so when Shawn turned away from Robby and back to his own bed, Robby felt a small surge of confidence.

"Why did you do it?" He asked firmly, taking a step towards Shawn as he turned back around to face Robby.
Shawn seemed to ponder this, but Robby knew it was only to tease him.

"Larson doesn't seem to want to fight anymore. I've got a feeling it's to do with you newbie..." Shawn told him, his hands leaving his pockets. Robby watched him before dragging his eyes back to Shawn's face. "So if he won't be my entertainment..." Shawn paused, "You will."
Robby swallowed but his throat felt like sandpaper.

He could feel his heartbeat echo in his head, creating a small thrumming headache as he stared down the taller boy. But still, Robby remained silent and with this in mind, Shawn seemed to take that as submission so without another word, he turned around and walked away.

Robby watched him go, imagining going over to him and nailing a mean left hook but he suppressed that idea. It wasn't a good idea. He remembered what Wren had said. What she had said to both him and Will.

You both have three months here and I swear to god, if either of you get any more time added I'm going to push you both down a flight of stairs myself.

Please, I just, I want you both out of here.

No fights. No fights. Don't get in any more trouble.

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now