xxviii. knocked down.

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"Miguel, just leave it alone... You need to sober up, let's just go and-" Wren tried to counter, stepping away from Robby and Sam but Miguel stepped away from her, putting an arms length between them, brushing her off in a cold manner which she had never seen in him before.

"I'm sorry but can you just leave us alone, you're not helping anyone." Sam snapped at Wren straight up and Wren threw her a confused but cautious look, not wanting to step on anyone's toes but trying her best to prevent the conflict she could see coming.

"Hey, no, you don't get to be mad at her. Wren has been with me all day, she's been there for me- unlike someone who has been ignoring me all day!" Miguel said rather loudly in a way that made Wren shiver, ducking her head slightly in a slight flinch at his raised voice.

Robby saw the look of surprise on her face and took a step forward in front of Wren, shielding her from Miguel's eyes.

"Come on man, let's just stop-" Robby began, holding out his hands as if it would help but Miguel lunged forward shoving Robby roughly to the ground.

"You get out of here!" He yelled and Wren flinched harder, putting her fingers in her ears as a reflex. Robby was on his feet in an instant, a hostile look plaguing his face in the firelight.

"Miguel! Stop!" Wren shouted, getting between the two boys, as Sam just stood back and watched.

"Hey, man, wanna try that again?" Robby sneered, edging closer so Wren held out her hands to keep them apart.

"Robby, please." Wren urged and he looked down at her and his gaze instantly softened, Wren watched as his shoulders loosened and she gave him a soft and slight and soft smile, quietly thanking him.

But still, this quiet understanding made Miguel even madder and he tried to reach around Wren in order to reach Robby and ended up shoving her, hard and fast. She had been caught off guard and off balance, still making eye contact with Robby, utterly oblivious to the glare she was receiving from Sam.

And as she fell, Robby sprang forward and looped his arms around her as she fell on him. He put his hand on her head as the two hit the sand and Wren hissed as her bloody hand hit the floor.

"Are you okay?" Robby asked suddenly, she was still lying weightlessly on top of him and he was suddenly reminded of how they met. A pair of tangled limbs on the floor, her lying on top of him.

He was about to remind her as well but Wren was already stumbling to her feet, her breaths were still raged from the surprise of the hit. Her eyes were wide and she was looking around at the others.

"Wren, oh my god, I'm so sorry." Miguel reached out his arm but she stepped away, shaking her head. She was done, done with the consequences of intoxication. Done with meaningless apologises. She had known what was going to happen before it even did despite her efforts to prevent it- no one listened.

"Go home and fucking sober up, Miguel." She said in a low harsh voice and turned to walk away but another voice broke through the crowd.

"Did you just put your hands on my girl?" Shit. Wren turned at the sound of Hawk's voice and she saw him standing in front of Miguel who just stood there expressionlessly as if trying to process what just happened.

"That's not what happened, he pushed her into me!" Robby tried to defend himself and Wren stalked forward, putting herself, yet again between the two boys. She was done being delicate.

"Leave him alone, Hawk!" She yelled at him, putting both her hands on his chest and pushing him away, he looked slightly stunned. "He did nothing wrong!" She told him clearly, her heart beat almost blocking her words coming out of her throat but despite this they came out strong, loud and pissed off.

"You're defending this asshole?" He asked, holding out a hand and pointing at Robby who was stood silently behind her.

"You got a problem with that, Eli? I said he didn't do anything." She said firmly, and Hawk clenched his jaw, he had been ready to defend her but he forgot one thing... Wren knew how to stand up for herself, he just didn't think she would be standing up for a stranger, let alone against him.

"My dad was right about Cobra Kai." Sam said suddenly, "Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there." She said in Miguel's direction who just swallowed and looked away. She began to walk back up the bank, Robby looked after her and shifted on his feet but before he trailed after her he threw one last glance at Wren who was still eye to eye with Hawk.

"Wren." He called out, silently begging her to come with them but Hawk glared daggers at him, they all did, except for her. When she turned to look at him, she no longer looked angry... Her eyes were soft and warm... and sad.

"The Bookshelf." She told him, loud enough for all to hear but none of them knew what it meant, because after all, they didn't know much about her at all. Robby gave her a sharp, singular nod as he walked away, following Sam up the bank as they trailed off into the dark back to Sam's car.

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