viii. temptation.

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"No, I don't." Wren told her flatly, "But the difference between you and me Sam is that I don't feel like I am entitled to his friendship..."Wren's expression was blank now, finding the rawest words she could to hopefully, finally make Sam understand and make her feel shameful for everything she had put Robby through.

"...Because friendship, trust, is something you have to earn, Sam. And despite being handed chance after chance, you manage to fuck up every single last one."

And with that, without another word, Sam turned around and shut the door behind her as she left. Wren let out a smooth sigh and felt her cheeks grow pink.

Her hands began to shake with the amount of adrenaline coursing through her, her legs felt weak and so she perched on the end of the bed, placing her head in her hands.

Robby silently climbed back in through the window, he had heard every word, every last one. He stood in front of Wren, looking down at her. When she pulled her head out of her hands and looked up, she pushed herself to her feet, meeting his eyes.

"You meant all that?" He asked quietly, Wren swallowed and her hands clenched into fists, digging her nails into her palms to ease her nerves. Robby noticed this out of the corner of his eye and reached down to grab her hand. He smoothed his thumb over the small indentations in her palms and looked back to her eyes.

"I cannot tell you, Keene, how much I needed that." Wren half whispered, half chuckled and Robby found himself chuckling too.

The moment he found out after Sam's betrayal in the hallway, had felt like the worst moment of his life. But then Miguel fell and the feeling was immediately overshadowed.

But despite his regret, grief and fear. None of it seemed to matter with Wren. But that feeling of longing didn't scare him like it had when he first started dating Sam. This feeling with Wren was different and it was new, warm and soft.

It was welcomed.

Robby found his arms sliding up from her hands and resting his fingers gently on either side of her neck, gently pulling her towards him, Robby lay a gentle kiss on her forehead and Wren wrapped her arms around his middle.

"You've done so much for me." He whispered, casting his eyes out the window as he let his head rest against hers.

Wren pulled back softly to look up at him. She was smiling a small smile, her lips twitching as if trying not to grin as she looked at him, their hands slid together, their fingers intertwining once more. Her eyes were soft as they studied him. "There's very little I wouldn't do for you, Keene." She uttered and she watched as the corners of his mouth twitched up at her words.

Robby leaned his head forward and rested it against hers, Wren tipped her head up slightly causing their noses to touch gently. She could feel her heart beat racing, her fingers, still woven in his, began to tingle.

Robby's eyes were shut and yet he could see every smile she had ever gifted him, every light hearted jab and he could only hear her soft voice as Wren whispered:


And so he didn't wait.

Robby gently pressed his lips to hers and finally let go of her hands. Her fingers had grown cold with the adrenaline and so Wren traced them up to his biceps as if to steady herself. Robby uncased her in his grip, an arm around her waist and the other on her neck, his thumb tracing her jaw.

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