xxii. the window.

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"That will be $8 today, please ma'am." Wren smiled at the woman behind the desk as she placed the book gently in a small brown paper bag for her and slid it over the counter when the woman handed her a $10 bill. When she opened the register to get her change the woman just held out a hand in a dismissive but polite gesture.

"You keep the change, honey, thank you so much for your help. My son is going to love this." She said to Wren and the girl offered her a wide, friendly smile.

"Thank you, ma'am, you have a great day and I hope he enjoys it. Thank you." Wren said and the woman took the bag and thanked her again before leaving the shop. Wren watched as she rounded the corner through the window and continued to look outside even when she was gone.

She knew Robby wasn't coming back and yet whenever she found herself with a spare moment, she looked out the window, hoping to see him. Even if it was just once, even if he knew she was in there and he didn't look back.

She didn't like to think what would have happened if she hadn't of run into him. Literally.

Wren felt like she owed him, he saved her and she did break his board. Either way, he knew where to find her and it had been two weeks. Which, in her mind, made it even worse, she felt small and insignificant.

What's new? She asked herself, feeling an overwhelming sense of shame knaw at her stomach, like a sickness she couldn't seem to swallow. Wren refused to think of her father in that moment. She wouldn't let this turn out to be about him, he didn't deserve the attention.

Wren knew Hawk had feelings for her, neither had really admitted it and yet she found him rather easy to read, which is maybe why she felt even shittier whenever she thought about Robby. But she shook out the thought and put the bill in the register, realizing she had still been holding it this whole time.

"You're thinking about that boy." Mr James' voice cut through the air, there were a few customers in the shop but all were submerged within the shelves and Wren leaned against the desk to face where Mr James sat in an arm chair behind her.

"What boy?" She asked dumbly, not sure if he was on about Robby or Hawk, both of which he didn't know even existed. But Mr. James always had possessed some sort of second sense, he always knew when something was on her mind and that was a lot these days.

"William." He said, leaning his right hand on his walking stick, and looking up at her.

"Oh," Wren looked at her feet, "I- I haven't visited in a couple of days, I was going to go after my shift." She said and it was true though that hadn't been the subject of her thoughts.

"I've noticed, you've been at that karate place a lot, little bird." He thought out loud, "What is it they're called? A Dobo?" His guess made her chuckle and she crossed her arms across her chest.

"It's called a dojo, Mr James." She explained and he nodded slowly.

"Just be careful, little bird, I don't want you getting hurt like that one time." He told her, moving to stand from the deep chair and Wren moved to his side to grab his arm and help him up. Wren had told him the injuries she had gotten from her father's... she didn't really know what to call them. They were men dressed in black but she couldn't call them 'the men in black', because this wasn't a movie. Either way, she had told Mr. James that was the evening she had joined the dojo and she just lost her first fight.

"I will, don't worry." The girl assured him, shaking her head dismisivley, knowing Mr. James worried too much and yet she was thankful for it. It had been a long while sinse she had someone worry about her in such a loving manner, her mother slept and ate and worked, then worked some more- always in that order, hardly having any time to ask Wren how her day at school was or if she had made any friends.

"Oh, there's a small gathering of friend's tonight so don't be afraid to lock up, I've got my key. Sorry I forgot to tell you." Wren added, remembering Miguel telling her about it yesterday, she didn't know much, only that there were quite a few people going. He also mentioned there was going to be alcohol but she didn't mention that to Mr. James.

"Of course, now go see William, I want to know how he's doing. I can cover the rest of you're shift." Wren thanked him and grabbed her bag and as she headed for the door, she heard him shout, "Don't forget to tell him I said hello!" loud enough for all the customers to hear.

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now