xxiii. destruction at its finest.

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Daniel felt his heart sink to his feet when he saw his dojo the next morning. Plant pots were smashed, toilet paper was wrapped in the trees, cabinets inside were demolished, the door was hanging by a hinge, trash was scattered everywhere.

Someone had snuck in last night and demolished Miyagi-Do. Robby couldn't tear his eyes away. He didn't say a word as he walked back inside to find Daniel crouching on the floor, holding a smashed frame.

"They even took Mr Miyagi's Medal of Honor." His voice was quiet and shook slightly as Robby came stand behind him. Daniel sighed at the sight of the smashed empty frame and pressed a hand to his mouth in disbelief that anyone would go that far.

"Dad!" Both of them heard Sam shout from outside, Robby and Daniel headed out towards her and saw Sam standing infront of Daniel's first car,a gift from Mr Miyagi. On it, sprawled in red spray paint: 'Cobra Kai NEVER DIES!!' Daniel couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Daniel closed his eyes as his rage rose to a boil, clenching his fists beside him.
"I found this too." Just then, Daniel and Robby realised Sam was holding a dark piece of clothing. Without a word, Daniel took it from his daughter and held it out in front of him. It was a dark blue sweater and he heard Robby take a sudden deep breath in at the sight of it.

"That's mine." He told them both, reaching out to touch the fabric, in order to make sure it was the same piece of clothing and sure enough it was.
"How did it get out here, Robby? Did you lend it to anyone?" Sam asked this time, reaching out and taking the sweater from her dads hands.

"I- I thought I left it at..." Sam watched as Robby's eyes softened in realisation before he scoffed.
"What, where did you leave it?" Daniel asked, his voice more forceful than it had been mere seconds ago.

"I left it at Wren's place." He answered and all three fell silent. Daniel felt his shoulders drop as he shook his head. Maybe he was wrong about Wren. Maybe she was more like Johnny than he thought.

Without a word, he got in the car, shutting the door loudly behind him.
"Dad, where are you going?" Sam asked through the window but he didn't answer and simply drove away.

Robby turned around and walked back inside. He thought he knew Wren, maybe he was wrong.

Training that day had began with one v one training on the mat, whilst the other students observed and the two fighting received tips and feedback from Lawrence and Kreese.

On the mat was Miguel and Hawk, Wren watched them both. Hawk swung his arm back but Miguel caught it with both hands. Side stepping backwards, Miguel followed Hawk and tried to kick him midsection but Hawk blocked him. Turning around, Miguel aimed from Hawk's chest, he blocked again but as Hawk took another go at Miguel's shoulder, Miguel ducked and struck Hawk's middle. He won the point.

"Nice work, Diaz." Johnny called out, as the two boys straightened up, "Bow, go again." He told them and they both bowed but before they could start to fight again, the dojo door opened and in strode Daniel.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Johnny asked him but Daniel wasn't going to waste any time.
"Like you don't know." He snapped, he turned on his heels and scanned the students, his eyes fell on Wren, he took a step towards her. "Where the hell were you last night, huh?" He asked her and Wren was taken aback but before she could reply, Johnny interviened.

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