xliii. snake vs snake.

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"This is it folks, the moment we've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" The crowd cheered, "Or will it be Wren Evans, also from Cobra Kai Karate." The crowd burst in applause again, "All I know folks is that we have a snake fight on our hands."

Johnny was saying something to her, Aisha was by her side and Wren nodded along but she couldn't even hear them. She was too far gone, rolling things over and over in her mind. Wren couldn't help but begin to bite the inside of her mouth, a nervous habit and didn't stop when the metallic taste flooded her mouth.

Wren and Miguel stepped out onto the mat, facing each other as they bowed. It was now or never.

"Fighting positions. Ready and fight!"

Miguel did as he always did, moving first, striking hard to her middle but Wren saw it coming. She knew how Miguel fought, she saw it everyday in the dojo which is why she felt she had an unfair advantage. Miguel always trained with her around, whereas she had often found herself also training around him as well, but also getting in extra practice when there was no one around but the punching bag.

Wren spun and kicked his leg and like that, Miguel toppled over, he fell to his knees but before he could spring to his feet, Wren was already in front of him, striking his stomach. It was an easy point, Miguel was in his own head and she knew it. He had so much going on and he didn't know how to deal with it. Wren had been balancing things for years.

Miguel yelled in frustration as he pushed himself back up to his feet.
"Ready? And fight!"

Everyone expected Miguel to move first but this time but using her smaller build, Wren darted forwards and sprang in the air, twisting and her left foot clipped Miguel's chin. He fell. Another point to Wren.

"2-0 to Evans! One more point and she's our winner." She barely heard the announcer, Wren could hear her blood thundering in her ears. She couldn't hear the microphone or the crowds or Robby and Daniel cheering her on surprisingly.

All she could think of was:

For Noah.
For Will.
For Johnny.

Enraged, Miguel charged at her and Wren opened her eyes, she side stepped around his advance and kicked his back, sending his flying into the out of bounds area.
"No point! Out of bounds! Out of bounds!" Yelled the ref and Wren took a deep breath and raised her arms.

For Robby.

"Come on, Miguel!" Hawk screamed at his friend, catching Miguel's attention for one slip moment. And that was it. Wren raised her arms and ducked, protecting her head as she swiped Miguel's legs out from under him and he fell for the last time, she hit his stomach with such force he groaned.

For Rue.

"Stop! Point!" Wren gazed down at Miguel who was sprawled on the mat and without thinking, offered him her hand. But without a word, he pushed himself up and bowed one last time before turning and walking away. The ref grabbed her hand and raised it, "Winner!"

The crowd burst into applause and some of her team rushed onto the mat, some hugged her, some patted her on the back, she was so overwhelmed that she wasn't even smiling.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Some one practically yelled in her ear.

"Who saw that coming? I know I didn't." said the announcer as the team calmed down and Wren was pushed to the front, "Without further ado, let me present the trophy to this years new champion, Wren Evans and the Cobra Kai dojo!"

Wren forced a smile and was handed the trophy, her team began to chant around her: "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" She turned her head over to where Robby stood beside Daniel.

They didn't need words, they just looked at each other and smiled.

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