xxi. the man.

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"Sensei, Miguel's here!" Wren laughed loudly, spying Miguel get off his bike outside. Johnny walked out of the office, his arms wide as Miguel walked through the door, a beaming smile spread wide across his face.

"Ooh! Who's the man?" Miguel yelled as he chucked his bike helmet on the mat, he held out his arms widely and made his way over. Wren half screamed as she ran at him and jumped in his open arms, Miguel laughed and spun her around, setting her down again gently.

"Wren and I are the man, that's who!" Johnny held his thumb against his chest but Miguel's smile never faltered once. "Oh shit, are you the man too?" He asked and Wren felt giddy with a sudden rush of exitement.

"You crushed the date!" She yelled, high fiving Miguel.

"I crushed the date." Miguel confirmed.

"You are the man!" Johnny pointed at him and Miguel strode forward.

"Ha! Miguel won't die a virgin!" Wren and Johnny laughed, Miguel shoved her shoulder and she playfully shoved him back.

"It was incredible! How did the meeting go?"

"We crushed it, right Wren?" Johnny held up his hand and Wren jumped when she high fived him.

"Fuck yeah we did!"

"So Cobra Kai is in?" Miguel asked, his eyes wide, secretly crossing his fingers in hope for good luck.

"Hell yeah we're in, Cobra Kai is back, baby." Johnny told him energetically, so much so Wren let loose a laugh. It felt so good, she couldn't remember the last time she laughed this much.

Miguel and Johnny shared a brief hug and Miguel pointed at him, "Imma grab a soda, you want a banquet?" He said all at once, his thoughts running at a million miles an hour and his face hurt from smiling too much.

"Yeah, lets celebrate!" Wren exclaimed, jumping on Miguels back and he gave her a piggy back, both laughed and looked at Johnny, Wren's head on Miguel's shoulder but Johnny only shook his head and took two steps backwards, away from the kids.

"No, no. This calls for a real toast." He said in a serious voice then disappeared in his office. Miguel put Wren down and the pair gave each other an unsure look, knowing very well their sensei could walk out of his office with pretty much anything.

"Are you as scared as I am right now?" Miguel asked in a whisper, leaning down slightly.

"Oh yeah." She retorted and they both looked back towards the doorway where Johnny emerged with two red cups and a bottle of booze.

"Oh shit." Wren chuckled, shaking her head slightly, she shouldn't be surprised. "This isn't going to end well." She mocked in a sing song voice, Miguel threw her a worried look, he was more surprised than anything.

"This is the good stuff. For real men, no offence Evans." He told them, handing Miguel a cup. He sniffed it and groaned, causing Wren to take a step back, the smell revolted her but she hid it well, she didn't want to ruin their fun.

"None taken, Sensei." She pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her laugh, still amused by Miguel's look of surprise that his sensei was providing him with alcohol and his disgust at the strong, blinding, smell.

"Drink it, it'll put hair on your balls." Johnny said as if it was nothing, screwing the cap back on the bottle.

"Is that a good thing?" Miguel asked his sensei.

"Yeah, that's a good thing." He replied, as if it was obvious and Wren crossed her arms, leaning back on her legs. She was incredibly curious to see how this was going to go.

"Ok." Miguel said breathlessly, hyping himself up.

"You got this Miggy." Wren teased, with a chuckle and Miguel threw her a quick scowl.

"Shut up." He said playfully and leaned his head back as if to crack his neck. "To Cobra Kai."

"To Cobra Kai." Wren repeated, her glance flickering between the two.

"Never accept defeat," Johnny said, looking at Wren then Miguel, then back to Wren and gave her a small smile before drinking with Miguel and Wren clapped for them both.

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