xl. semi finals part one.

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"He didn't stand a chance, did he?" Robby smirked, strolling over to where he found Wren sitting on a bench in the changing room.
"You're not supposed to be in here." She shook her head with a small laugh, "In case you couldn't read the sign on the door this is the womens' changing room."

"I know but you're the only one using it and I couldn't find you outside, I figured you needed a moment after your fight with Hawk." He offered, "You really kicked his ass." Robby told her and was surprised when her smile faltered.

"He's never going to forgive me for that, is he?" She sighed, resting her elbows on her knees but still looking up to where Robby now leaned on the lockers in front of her.

"It'll be alright Wren, he'll come around, he just needs to understand winning isn't everything. In the end, he'll thank you for it." Robby told her and deep down she was desperate to believe him. She couldn't stand the idea of Eli hating her forever, she didn't even let him get one point. Not one.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was fighting, I only decided this morning. It was actually Mr James' idea." Robby half laughed, crossing his arms.
"Sounds like him, side note, do be careful- he is very good at talking people into things." She joked back, pressed her palms to her eyes and wincing when she made contact with her bruised cheek.

She looked up at him and Robby gestured to his own eye and Wren nodded. "It was your dad, wasn't it?" His words took her by surprise since she hadn't mentioned who had done it the whole morning.

"How did you?" She asked and Robby kicked off from the locker, moving to sit beside her. He rested his elbows on his knees so they reached eye to eye.
"If it was the same guys from the night we met, I think you would have told me the first chance you got before the tournament began." He paused, "I figured he was the only one who would go this far."

Wren nodded and Robby reached over, gently resting his arm over her shoulder and pulling her towards him and Wren gladly leaned towards him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"He caught me off guard, he saw me first. I ran." She explained and Robby gently rubbed her arm, "I wasn't quick enough and he got me... He looks worse though." She added as if it made the whole thing better.

"I won't let him do it again." Wren said softly.
"Neither will I." Robby matched her gentle tone.

"I didn't mean to rope you into this Keene, I'm sorry." Wren told him, her non bruised cheek resting on his shoulder as he continued to run his thumb in circles of her arm.

"We're even remember? We look after each other, that's how we work, Evans." Robby smiled as he felt her chuckle under his arm.
"Yeah, except for today. I'm gonna kick your ass, Keene." Wren told him, standing from the bench and offering a hand to help him up even though he could manage on his own.

"Are you trying to hold my hand, Evans?" He asked playfully, pressing his hands to his knees, looking up at her outstretched hand.
"Oh please, the only time we're going to hold hands is when you throw a punch and I catch it."

He laughed at that and took her hand, the pair made their way back out into the hall and saw Xavier and Miguel stood waiting for them, Hawk was nowhere in sight. Wren was up against Xavier, who towered over her. Robby saw her studying him as they stood beside each other and he leaned down to her shoulder and she heard him say: "Oh and Mr James told me to give a message." Robby whispered, she looked up at him from over her shoulder.

"Give 'em hell."

"Two, One, Evans!" Announced the referee as Wren won her second point. It's okay, she could do this.
"You've got this, Wren!" Johnny shouted, he had seen the way she had beaten Hawk. Her raw anger and talent made her fast and ruthless. He knew that whatever had happened to her last night and this morning made her stronger and he didn't know who would become the champion but he did have hope she would beat Xavier.

"Come on, Evans!" Robbie shouted from the sidelines and Johnny turned his head to see his son cheering on one of his best students, his smile was wide and beaming as he watched her dodge punch after punch from Xavier. Johnny's brows furrowed, as if trying to put the scene together.

He didn't even know they knew each other.

Wren sidestepped as Xavier twisted in the air, striking the space she had been standing in moments before. He lunged towards her and she deflected his arms but he swiped his leg and Wren was about to fall when he wrapped his arms around her waist and threw her to the floor.

"Get up!" Johnny shouted at her, shaking his head but Wren didn't so much as glance his way. Her heart hammered in her chest and she gazed up at Xavier coming at her.

It reminded her... it reminded her....

But today was different. The encounter with her father that morning had reminded her that growing up and seeing your parents flaws is like losing the belief you could be a child forever. And if you were to ask Wren, she would say she didn't believe she was a child anymore, not for a long time.

But she believed in her father even less.

She rolled away, not letting him strike her midsection and scrambled to her knees and as Xavier raised his leg, she kicked the one his balance was on and he fell too. Only this time, she struck first.

"Winner, Evans! And she is on her way to the finals!" Her hand was raised over her head and Xavier ended his to shake the other. Wren smiled as she did and looked towards her team.

"Yeah!" Johnny beamed at her, nodding his head in congratulations. Miguel stood to the side of his, motionless with his head down and then she realised she would have to face either him or Robby in the final.

And their fight was next.

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