xxvii. the medal.

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The trio had split up a little while ago. Miguel, Wren and Tory came to a decision to divide and conquer and also so they wouldn't have to fight each other if the time called for it.

So Wren climbed a nearby tree and sat perched off a branch, he leg swinging below as she listened for anyone nearby.

Just them out of the corner of her eye she spied Miguel, he stood out rather boldly in his black and white hoodie against the warm yellow colouring of the woods but Wren didn't make a sound. She was just hoping he would walk by, she was waiting for a red head band, not a black one.

Just then, Miguel stopped as he spied Hawk running up the bank. Wren tucked her leg up underneath her, unsure of who was to win this fight.
"Finally a worthy opponent." Hawk smirked, stopping in his tracks about three metres away from Miguel, Wren kept quiet.

"So, you're the one that trashed Miyagi-Do." Wren felt her pulse pick up, her mouth unwillingly dropping open ever so slightly as she pressed her fingers to her mouth.

She took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on Hawk, she prayed he would deny it. But she was to be disappointed.
"They're the enemy." Hawk said flatly, his smile dropping instantly, "I had to put them in their place." Wren's stomach dropped.

Even after everything Hawk had seen at The Bookshelf, he was angry that Miyagi-Do had beaten them at the mall. This whole time he let Robby, Sam and Daniel think it was her. This whole time he knew and said nothing. Letting her take the blame.

"So, that means you had to trash their dojo and steal the Medal of Honor?" Miguel asked him, his voice raised slightly.
"What do you care?" He asked, "Just because you have a thing for Sam doesn't mean I have to go soft." Hawk snapped.

Miguel clenched his teeth, "I'm not soft and this isn't about her..." Miguel told him, his voice solomon but harsh, "You let Wren take the blame, how could you do that to her?" Miguel asked, shaking his head. Wren watched, her throat feeling tight as a flicker of doubt scoured Hawk's expression before he spat:

"She's the champion, they've been trying to convince her to join their dojo for weeks. If they think she trashed their dojo- they would never take her in." Wren knocked her head on that tree trunk, letting it rest their as she closed her eyes.

"That's not good enough." Miguel spat at him.
Hawk pulled out a chain from under his shirt and sure enough, there hanging on the end of it, was Mr Miyagi's Medal of Honor.
"You want the medal so bad? Come and take it." She heard Hawk tell Miguel and the two began to fight but Wren didn't watch. Couldn't watch.

She sat in that tree as the two fought below, oblivious she was even there. Her breaths felt heavy in her chest as tears began to slip down her cheeks, she wiped one side away, then the other. But it made no difference. He betrayed her again. Nothing new. And just like that- Hawk lost her, again.

Miguel won their fight, looking down out of the tree. Hawk was still on the ground. Wren climbed quietly out of the tree, all traces of her tears were gone.

Hawk groaned as he pushed himself onto his elbows and looked up to see Wren standing in front of her. He smiled up at her and her chest twisted.

"Here to finish me off, little bird?" He teased playfully, holding out a hand for her to help him up and Wren took it. She gripped his wrist as he gripped hers and pulled. Hawk swung to his feet but Wren didn't let go of his arm. Hawk looked down at her, her blank eyes and forlorn expression and ducked his head to get her to look him in the eye. "What's wrong?" He asked and Wren couldn't help but smirk, how could he even ask that. Then again, he didn't even know she knew but he was about to.

Wren pulled his wrist towards her and Hawk stepped in her direction, closing the gap between them, they were eye to eye, face to face.
"Let me be clear," She spoke clearly, no trace of uncertainty, "If you ever pull a stunt like trashing Miyagi-Do again and pin the blame on me... I'll break this wrist. Do you understand me?" Hawk's heart sunk to his stomach, he looked down at where his hand held hers and Wren began to twist, he winced.

"Wren, I'm sor-" he began but he didn't finish. Because to Wren, when trust was broken, sorries meant nothing. His apology meant nothing to her.

"Just be thankful Miguel found out before I did. I'm done being a puppet." She spat and yanked her hand away from him. She walked towards the others, who were gathered a small distance away.

Close enough to see them but no close enough to hear. Miguel was on the floor, Stingray, who was covered in dirt and leaves, held a black headband over his head in victory. Of course, he hadn't seen Wren coming.

Ducking to a crouch, she spun her leg under his and sent him to the floor. Standing again, she ripped the headband out of Stingrays hand and stepped away.

"Team black!"

A chorus of cheering and laughter erupted from the black team and Kreese walked over to Johnny just as Tory and the other black team members went to congratulate Wren, who faked a smile.

"Looks like that champ of yours is developing a real killer instinct." Kreese smirked, his eyes fixed on Wren in the middle of the huddle.

Wren looked over to her senseis'. Johnny was expressionless as walked over to Miguel to make sure he was okay. Kreese nodded his head at her and she dipped her chin back. Wren couldn't help but think about one thing he had told her the other day at that moment.

Power belongs to those who take it.

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now