xliii. a lot had changed since then.

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Wren asked, looking over at Robby, who had his hands slung in his pockets as they stared up at the LaRusso household.

It had been a few days since Robby and Will had been released and life was better as a whole for Wren because of it.
Will and Robby had been sleeping in Wren's room, Robby next to her and Will on the floor- he didn't mind... It was only until they were both up and on their feet again but Wren wouldn't rather they be anywhere else.

Will had wanted to come with them, only to wind up Mr LaRusso some more, like he had the morning of their release but Wren had put her foot down. Plus, Will had been working at The Bookshelf to earn some money and Mr James had given him the closing shift.
"It's just to grab some things, we'll be in and out." Robby uttered, looking back over at her, meeting her eyes and letting his hand slip into hers, giving it a small squeeze.

When he had told Wren he was going... There was no way she was letting him do this alone so they both walked up to the house together.
The last time Wren had been there: She had fought Sam in the garden the morning after it had been trashed by Hawk... Robby had told her to go. A lot has changed since then.

Wren's eyes scanned the Miyagi-Do dojo vigorously, it was a small, warm closed space that had two doors opening into the garden space. Completely different from the Cobra Kai dojo.

The walls were decorated with writing and trophies. She wandered from Robby's side to spy framed photos propped up on a few small shelves to her left.

In it was Mr LaRusso, as well as a young Sam, dressed in gi's side by side. Wren cocked her head as she spied another man, he was a lot older and dressed in smart but informal clothing.

She could only guess it was Mr Miyagi.

He was a very well known name regarding karate in the valley, Johnny had told her a long time ago, she couldn't remember when, how much that man meant to the LaRusso family.

Even the way Johnny had described him, Wren could tell he was in awe. And Wren found herself wondering, as Robby collected his things behind her, shoving them into his rucksack, how much could Wren have learned from Mr Miyagi were he still alive.
Would he have liked her? She didn't even know this man and yet, she felt like he would have known if she was a good person.
It was something Wren pondered all the time.

She was still trying to figure out the answer. But something told her, he would know.
She was snapped out of her train of thought when out of the corner of her eye, Wren spied Robby edging towards the doors that lead into the garden.

She peered over Robby's shoulder to look outside, to see what he was staring at... Who he was staring at.

"Should've known." He uttered, he remained still as Miguel and Sam sprung out of their embrace. Wren didn't dare move. Robby stepped forward, outside and if Wren had to describe them... Sam and Miguel looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Robby..." Sam began, lowering her hands, "It's not what you think." She tried to defend herself, Wren kept her scoff to herself, this was Robby's business.

She would only step in if she needed too.

If he needed her.

Robby took a few more steps, his eyes unwavering from Sam's, "You two get together the second I was gone or wait a week to make it look good?" His were low, defeated and yet scolding.

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