xli. semi finals part two.

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Wren stepped off the mat and Aisha engulfed her in a hug, "You did it Evans! You beat the raining champ three to one. Cobra Kai has got this in the bag between you and Miguel!" She smiled and Wren did her best to look proud of herself. But she couldn't help looking over her shoulder, trying to find Robby in the crowd. She wanted to find him in the crowd, talk to him, wish him luck.

Johnny's hand clapped her shoulder, snapping her eyes back forward to see he was also smiling down at her. "You did good kid. That was really good. Few things to polish but that was really good." He teased.

"Thanks sensei." She told him, accepting his praise even though her mind was running a million miles an hour. She pulled away and approached Miguel, who was shaking his hands, trying to loosen his joints.

"Stop psyching yourself out." She told him and his head snapped up to look at her.
"I didn't know you were talking to me." He said gently, "You did really good up there." Miguel offered, straightening himself up and looking down at her.

"Thanks Miggy."

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened, I was drunk and I know that's no excuse but I was so worried about Sam and Robby was just in the way and I didn't- I swear I didn't mean to hit you. I'm sorry." He ushered, looking at his feet and she smiled, taking his hands between hers in front of them both, making him look up at her.

"Miguel, stop thinking about that right now. I'm not mad. Focus. Okay? You'll be fine." She told him and he nodded, a slight smile painted on his face as a wash of relief surfaced over him.

Sam turned her head and spied the pair from afar, close and holding each other's hands and something in her stomach twisted. Something that made her want to go over and get between them, break them apart. Both Wren and Miguel had told her there was nothing going on between them, but the proof was right in front of her. How could she think any differently?

Robby was tying his hair up one more time with the hair band he stole from Wren, to make sure it wouldn't fall out in the fight with Miguel. He could feel his hands and fingers tingle with nerves though he shook them out. If he wanted to face Wren in the final, he had to push himself through one last win.

He turned his head and, just like Sam, spied the friends to his left on the side of the mat. And just like Sam, felt his stomach drop at the sight of them so close, holding each other, whispering words only the other could hear, in their own little world.

And with a newfound motivation, Robby was determined to get to the finals. No matter how hard he had to push himself.

"Now, it's time to find out who will be joining Wren Evans in the final!" The announcer spoke, "Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?" A surge of applause broke from the audience, "Or will it be Robby Keene, unaffliat-" Others cheered and applauded but the announcer broke himself off as a woman in a red dress jogged over the mat to whisper something in his ear.

"Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach?" He whispered to himself in disbelief, the woman nodded and he turned to the crowd, "Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach!" He boomed, "I'm sorry, folks, there's been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate, with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!" The crowd erupted in clapping, "How about that? Good luck gentlemen."

Wren watched as Daniel rolled up his sleeves and gave Robby a warm smile, Miguel's face dropped as he stepped onto the mat beside Johnny. Her sensei and Daniel walked towards each other and exchanged a conversation that Wren was too far away to hear and in that spare moment, she looked over to Robby who had already been staring at her.

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