xv. the show part two.

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Mr James finished his chat and promptly diverted himself and Wren away from Daniel, Sam and Robby. He knew that look on Wren's face anywhere. Something was wrong. He wished Daniel luck for both of them and he and Wren stood at the side of the crowd.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" He asked, loud enough for her to hear him over the crowd.
"Nothing, sorry, just not feeling very well." Wren lied, though this time, remembered not to bite her lip so Mr James simply nodded and they began to watch the stage. A man with long hair and a guitar absorbed his applause and Wren lifted her hands to clap.

It was Miyagi-Do's turn.

"Coming up next, do i have a treat for you." The announcer spoke clearly into the microphone. "Please direct your attention to the LaRusso Auto booth for a presentation from Miyagi-Do Karate." The was an uruption of applause as everyone turned their attention to the other stage.

Their performance was going very well, Wren thought. It was rather beautiful to her in a way. Showing an aspect of karate Johnny hadn't even touched on at Cobra Kai, the serenity and defensive elegance and to Wren it felt like an art. But still, her eyes scanned the front of the crowd, trying to spot Hawk's hair and Mr James noticed her clenched first so grabbed it with his own. Wren's hand softened as it melted into his and he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Daniel grabbed a staff and began to try and strike Robby and Sam. He lunged for Robby's midsection and he jumped forwards, rolling over and pushing himself us gracefully. Wren knew full well it wasn't that simple in a tournament but here, right now, it wasn't about being competitive. It was about enjoying karate for what it is.

"Now, time for the grand finale." Daniel announced as they all stood side by side, Wren's eyes were fixed on Robby and when he found her in the crowd, she couldn't help but not smile up at him.

All three trailed off stage and as the audience waited in anticipation, Daniel began to roll out a stand with six ice slabs balanced vertically on it. But as he did, suddenly to sound of his performance powered down. Most of the audience turned to look around, searching for the problem but as they did, a scream burst from the back of the crowd.

"Cobra Kai!" People were shouting in unison and the crowd parted to let Cobra Kai students run through the audience, heading directly for the stage. "Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!"

They repeated over and over again and Wren felt her stomach drop. She let her hand slip out from Mr James's and her expression fell slack as she kept her eyes trained on them, Hawk, Miguel, Johnny, Aisha, Burt, all of them.

"Oh god." She whispered as they crowded up onto the main stage, diverting everyone's attention away from Miyagi-Do's demonstration. Closing her eyes as pain swept up through her chest. "Oh my god." She repeated, Mr James heard her that time and noticed Wren pressing a hand to her chest, right over her heart.
"Little bird, isn't that your...?" He trailed off and Wren didn't need to reply. Mr James knew. They hadn't told her just because she was close with Robby.

Mr James was not an angry man. In fact, he probably hadn't been angry since the late 90's but right then... Wren had won them the championship and they repay her by leaving her out and upstaging the competition, her friend, at their own demonstration? On the same day someone so special to her... Her first love, he liked to think, was given an extra three months in juvie?

Oh, how his heart broke for her then. Her family discarded her, the friends she loved left her and the friends she chose betrayed her.

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