xxiv. married?

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"Okay, just go along with my plan." Hawk told her and Wren cocked her head whilst raising an eyebrow. They were stood in the middle of a convenience store slightly away from the Demitri, Aisha and Burt.

"Umm... Okay but if you get arrested, you're on your own." She told him and he simply smirked and walked towards the others.

"I still don't understand how we're going to buy alcohol." Demitri told the others, leaning over a stand as Aisha and Burt stocked up on snacks.

"Oh, please. Never underestimate the power of the Hawk." Hawk said calmly as he walked up to the fridge to where the alcohol was kept.

Demitri leaned over to Wren, making sure he was out of ear shot to Hawk, she stood with her arms crossed, eager to see Hawk's oh so smooth plan.

"Did you approve of this?" He asked and she shook her head slightly.

"No but I'm curious to see how it's going to go, he's on a roll today. But seriously if he gets caught... it's not my fault." She said and began to walk towards him.

"Noted." Demitri added, not looking at all convinced.

Thoughtlessly, Wren threw Miguel a look, who was outside the store on his phone. He had made it official with Sam LaRusso a little while ago and was trying to reach her but by the way he looked, she could tell he had no luck.

Wren didn't mind Sam at all, she seemed nice enough at school and Aisha seemed to like her- it was just her dad she didn't like all that much. The way he was so hostile at the board meeting and the way he attacked Johnny, she could tell the two had history but she didn't quite know what yet.

Hawk slid the case of beers on the counter smoothly, "Oh, did you catch the game last night? See Puig with the walk-off?" He spoke to the cashier casually, pointing over the counter, Demitri threw Wren another unsure look but she was smiling from ear to ear, trying her best to contain her laughter.

"No, man, but I heard he flipped the bat to the moon," The man replied.

"Yeah, I was at the bar last night with my buddies from work," He lied, "the whole place went wild." He said casually, it would be a lie if Wren said she wasn't impressed by how much he was getting in character.

"I wanted to go, but my girlfriend dragged me to some lame ass play." The guy complained, shaking his head slightly in disapproval.

"Bitches will be bitches." Hawk confimed.


"So, how much is this gonna cost?"

"Gotta check your ID first." Wren watched out of the corner of her eyes and Demitri visibly cringed at the question, but Hawk acted unbothered, he chuckled before offering,

"I'm flattered." He paused, the man didn't budge, "You really think I'm underage?" Hawk turned and pointed back to Wren and Burt, "Thats my wife and kid right there."

Wren took a step forwards and put her arm around Burt's shoulder, pulling him into her side. Burt was caught off guard but kept his mouth shut and accepted the embrace.

"Teenages pregnancies... They're a blessing in disguise." Wren told the man and Burt smiled warmly, Hawk threw her a sideways smirk and she gave him a wink that the cashier didn't catch.

"Whatever..." They guy said and bent down behind the counter, Hawk gave Demitri a victorious expression and Demitir could only roll his eyes. "How about eight bottles of that vodka right there?" He added.

They all made it outside of the shop where Miguel was stood, leaning against the wall, looking at his feet.

"Still nothing?" Aisha asked, case of beer in hand.

"Nah, I just, I don't know why though. She's normally great at answering my texts." Miguel told his friends, kicking a stone.

"Don't worry about it man, help us get all this in the car." Hawk said, handing him two bottles of vodka and Wren turned to Hawk as the others began to pile into the car.

"Wife? Huh?" She teased, taking a step closer to him. Hawk felt blush creep up his neck but swallowed and kept it cool.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I-" He began but Wren snaked her arm around his waist and pulled him closer. Hawk often forgot how confident she could be, heck, it was the first thing he grew to love about her, even before he crawled out of his shell. Wren was dominant in any situation and it drove him wild.

"Don't be, I'm not." Hawk didn't fight it at all when she pulled him down to kiss her, in fact it was one of the best feeling in the world. She was sweet but tasted slightly of smoke, letting him know she smoked recently which turned him on even more.

"Come on you two, let's roll." Aisha called from out of the window and the pair broke appart, pressing their foreheads together as they caught their breaths.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Let's go." He said, squeezing her hand.

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