xxvi. coyote creek.

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Wren walked into training late the next morning, everyone was dotted around the dojo in their own clothes since they had all been told they would be doing a training exercise in the woods today.
Wren kept her head down and dropped her bag by the benches and sat down to lace up her shoe. Tory watched her as she came in and strode over to her friend.

Wren looked up and saw her walking over, "Hey." She greeted, finishing her lace and pushing herself to her feet.
"Hey." Tory replied and crossed her arms, standing beside Wren and looking out at the rest of the kids in the room. "You, errr, you wanna talk about yesterday?" Tory asked her softly and Wren gave her a warm smile.

Wren loved how Tory could read her like a book, she knew something was wrong no matter how hard Wren tried to hide it. Which others may have found annoying but for Wren it brought a solom comfort that nothing could match. But truth be told, Tory could also see the slight bags under Wren's eyes and knew she hadn't slept well.

But what she didn't know is that it had nothing to do with hitting Mitch yesterday and it had everything to do with Robby not believing her.

"I would rather talk about you and Miguel." Wren smirked and Tory let out a lose chuckle, shaking her head.
"You know about that, huh?" Tory asked, turning to face her.

"It really wasn't that hard... You're both as subtle as a couple of sledge hammers." Wren answered in a flat voice and Tory laughed, "But I'm happy for you both, Miguel was pretty bad after what happened with Sam. You're good for him." Tory didn't reply, she only glanced over to where Miguel stood next to Hawk and Aisha, "He's also good for you." Wren added and Tory looked back at her, a small smile painted on her lips.

"Yeah, I think so too." She said simply and they exchanged knowing glances before Johnny strode into the dojo, Kreese following him in.

"Everybody, get your gis on. Training starts in five minutes." He announced and they all walked towards him in order to listen, a small hum of chatter scattered through them. "Yeah, what's wrong?" Johnny asked, picking up on their confusion.

"N-Nothing's wrong." Miguel answered him, "We just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today." Wren watched as Johnny's brows furrowed as he glanced back at Kreese.

"What's happening in the woods?" He asked, looking from Kreese to Miguel.
Kreese took a step towards Johnny, "Well, I thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys..." Kreese explained and Wren glanced at Tory and Aisha, who were standing on either side of her. Without a second thought, she cleared her throat, as if to remind Kreese they were there. Sensei Kreese picked up on this, "Girls too."

"How?" Johnny asked.
"Coyote Creek."

Johnny seemed to dwell on this, he sighed and turned to Kreese and in a low voice he said: "I'm not sure they're ready for that." Kreese could only scoff lightly in response.
"There's only one way to find out." Kreese replied in a matching, low tone.

"We're ready, Sensei." Hawk said suddenly, "We want to prove ourselves."
Everyone nodded and some of the students voiced their agreement.

"It's up to Sensei Lawrence." Kreese told them, "If he says it's okay, then, and only then, is it okay." Johnny looked from Kreese and back to his students where his eyes landed on Miguel, a hopeful look on his face. Johnny let his eyes slide to Wren, who was standing behind Miguel and dipped her chin in a silent approval.

"Alright, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Johnny told them all.
Wren turned to Tory and smirked, "Something tells me, this is going to be fun."

"Gentlemen, ladies." Kreese had divided them into two teams, which stood facing each other in two lines, he placed himself between both with Johnny standing behind him, "Welcome to Coyote Creek. You've been split into two teams. Red... And black." He said, holding the spare headbands up for all to see. Wren stood between Tory and Miguel on the black team, facing Hawk and Aisha on the red.

"The goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side. Today, the people across from you are not your friends." Kreese explained, walking down the aisle between the two teams, "They're not your brothers or sisters. They are the enemy." Kreese returned to the front of the two lines, standing next to Johnny.

"The last team standing wins." Kreese announced and Wren smirked over at Tory, who had already been smiling.
"How do we get the headbands?" Miguel asked, his hands slung in his pockets.

"By any means possible." Kreese told him, "No rules."
"Use your judgement. This is just a training exercise." Johnny added, looking over at both teams.

"Correct, but remember, this is your life." Kreese held up a red headband in his right hand, "You lose it, you die."

Tory, Miguel and Wren trailed through the woods, keeping eyes open for any signs of the other team. Tory and Miguel were walking side by side, whilst Wren swung around the thin tree trunks by one hand, miles away in her own thoughts.

"So what happens at the end of this if it's just us three?" Miguel asked, glancing over his shoulder at Tory.
"Then I guess I'll have to rip that headband off your pretty little head." Tory smirked over back at him.

"Do you both really have to flirt right now? I already feel like I'm third wheeling enough..." Wren pretended to shiver in disgust, though inside she was glad they were both getting along so well.
"You are in no position to talk..." Miguel told her as Wren strode over to walk in line with them, "Shall we discuss you and Hawk at the diner the other day?" He teased and Wren felt a rush of heat crawl up her neck.

"Okay, I'll take it back, flirt all you like..." She said suddenly, Tory chuckled at her before all three heard a branch snap behind them.
"Did you hear that?" Tory asked and Wren turned to see Jamie, a member of the red team. She couldn't help but chuckle at the defeated look on his face when he saw all three of them in front of him.

Tory and Miguel turned and smiled at each other.

Jamie faced Miguel but Miguel only nodded at Tory before Jamie spun on his heels and kicked for Tory's mid section. She raised her leg and blocked his kick with her shin. Jamie swung a hit for her head but Tory ducked in the nick of time, she spun, punching his chest, sending his stumbling backwards into Wren.

Wren had been ready, fists raised. She had nothing against Jamie, sure. But today was a competition and she wanted to win. She kicked his back and he groaned, turning to face her, he tried to hit her but Wren blocked his punch and grabbed his arm, twisting hard. Jamie didn't stand a chance.

"He's all yours Miggy." Miguel smiled at Wren's words, it had been ages since Wren called him that and it felt good to be close friends with her again. Tory laughed behind them at the look of Jamie's face.

Miguel took a step forward and Jamie lunged for him, but he was already exhausted. He tried to kick Miguel but he grabbed his leg.
"Ladies first." He told Tory and pushed him towards her.

"Thanks." She answered, pulling the headband off Jamie's head before kicking him in the chin, sending him sprawling to the ground.
"Ouch." Wren smirked, walking around the back of the boy on the floor, towards Tory.

"No hard feelings." Tory told Jamie and turned to walk away, Wren following close behind, walking backwards to take one last look at the boy on the floor before following her friend.

"No mercy." Miguel told the boy before following the girls further into the woods.

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