iii. hawk.

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Training ended late that day. 2 hours late to be exact.

Wren was unwinding her bandaged hand when Aisha came to find her on one of the benches at the back of the dojo.
"Hey." Wren greeted, calmly, throwing the bloodied bandage away in a nearby trash can before shoving her jumper in her bag and zipping it up in one swift motion.

"Hey, damn girl... that looks nasty. How did you cut your hand like that?" She asked and Wren held out her hand. Aisha was right, it didn't look great. In training today the scabs had split so the bandage was a little bloody but they were much better than they had been the night she got them. The night she went training after the party and came home to find Robby Keene waiting on her doorstep.

"Oh, it's nothing. I've just been training a little more than usual." Wren shrugged, giving Aisha an innocent nod of the head, "It doesn't hurt, don't worry."

"When did you do it? I saw those bandages on at the tournament." She asked again and Wren licked her lips, there was no point in lying, it was nothing to be ashamed of.
"Sometimes when I get bored in the evenings," she lied accidently, "I come to the dojo and train, I tend to get a little bit carried away." Wren joked and slung on her jacket before her and Aisha made their way out of the door.

"Ahh, so that's why you're 'the strongest lion in the jungle'." Aisha chuckled and Wren gave her loose smile back, "Miguel and Hawk were wondering how you got so good, because, you know, they thought you only ever trained when they did." Aisha explained and Wren let her eyes flicker back to the dojo, where through the glass windows, they could still see Miguel and Hawk packing their things.

"Yeah, I would have told them- but it just never really came up. How are they anyway, neither have really said much all day after what sensei did." Wren asked, folding her hands neatly in her jacket pockets.

"They're okay. If you ask me, they're just bummed they got their asses kicked by you." Aisha tried to joke but Wren just nodded gently, not buying any of it, "They care Wren, you do know that right? It's just... Well, they hate Keene because Miguel still thinks he's hooked on Sam but Hawk's mad because he thinks you're hooked on him..." Aisha told Wren and Wren's eyes shot straight up.

"I do not... I repeat- do not... Have a thing for Robby Keene." Wren tried to defend herself, maybe a little too loudly but it just made Aisha laugh.

"Sure whatever you say, but who called out his name after he got hurt? Oh, and who ran after him when she had just won the All Valley?" Aisha teased and Wren shrugged, looking down at her feet, a little unsure of what to say... "Well?" Aisha asked, dragging out her words.

"It- it's a rather long story. Every time I've bumped into Robby since I've known him, it's alway been by accident or unexpected and always under pretty weird circumstances... We've sort of been..." Wren paused, "there for each other when the other needed." She tried to explain without giving too much away, trying to respect Robby's privacy and also her own- Wren did trust Aisha but there was still so little she was ready to open up about.

"Oh I see- It's a sort of Romeo and Juliet situation..." Aisha chuckled, elbowing Wren and Wren just laughed again, shaking her head.

"I promise, it's not like that... But anyway-" Wren broke herself off, "We had an argument after the tournament... I messed up, I overstepped and he yelled at me." Wren told Aisha in a low voice, not quite meeting her eyes as she cast her mind back to after her fight with Miguel.

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