ii. the lion.

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"The dojo is closed to new students today." Wren watched as a handful of new students followed Miguel and Hawk into the dojo, Johnny's voice was stern as he approached the new kids.

"We wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament." One of them said innocently, looking at his friend then around to the dojo.

"Do I need to say it again?" He said louder, "Get out!" Johnny shouted, he was loud enough to make the one who spoke flinch slightly.

"Yes, sir... Sensei." The other said sheepishly and turned to walk away, the other recruits followed him, "Come on, let's go." He mumbled to his friends.

"Let's go, move it. Come back tomorrow." Johnny ushered, "And bring your checkbooks." He added as the rest filed out of the door, as soon as they were gone, Johnny turned towards the rest of the dojo and yelled at his students: "Everyone, fall in!"

The rest of Cobra Kai did as they were told and Wren found her spot in the front of the line, next to Hawk. He threw her a look over his shoulder but she kept her eyes trained forward as Johnny stopped in front of them all, his arms tucked neatly behind his back.

Hawk turned his head forward, "Must have been a rager, sensei." He chuckled, referring to the messy state of the dojo they had found it in that morning.
"Were you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel asked, a gleeful smile painted on his face.

"Celebrating what? My students are a bunch of pussies?" He snapped coldly, causing Hawk and Miguel to straighten, Wren clenched her teeth. She had arrived to training early that morning and so had a feeling what was coming. "Diaz, Hawk, up front." He barked and both boys did as they were told. The dojo was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Hawk, did you attack Miss Evans before the match had begun and when her back was turned?" Wren couldn't help but go rigid and stiffen as she felt the eyes of everyone behind her fix on her at Johnny's words.

"Yes, sensei." He replied, letting his eyes flicker to Wren's and she had already been staring at him, Hawk swallowed before throwing a nervous glance to Miguel.

"Diaz." Johnny circled from behind the boys, "Did you purposefully attack your opponents injury?"
"Yes, sensei." Miguel replied instantly as Johnny faced them both, his back to the rest of the dojo.

"You think that makes you badass?" Johnny said flatly, in a lower voice. Miguel and Hawk looked at each other, then back to their sensei without a word, not entirely sure what he wanted them to say. "What's the matter? Question too tough? Maybe you need some help." Johnny turned to the rest of his students.

"Miss Robinson!" He shouted as he began to pace the front.
"Yes, sensei." Aisha replied automatically.
"Two cobras in the jungle." He paused, "One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which Cobra do you want to be?" He asked, throwing her a sideways glance.

Wren couldn't stop herself from biting the inside of her mouth. She couldn't help but toss and turn over Johnny's metaphor in the front of her mind. Wren knew she was the furthest thing from a lion, she was gentle and empathetic. Compassionate and kind.

But even now, her teammates behind her, when they looked at the back of her head they didn't see any of those things... They saw the strongest creature in the jungle all because at the tournament Wren had let her fear control her, she didn't let Miguel or Hawk land one hit on her. And because of this, she had been branded as someone not to be messed with and someone to be feared.

"The one that kills the lion, sensei." Aisha told him, unknowingly letting her eyes fall on Wren, who kept her head forward and expressionless.

"And why is that?"

"Because it killed a stronger animal." She told him.

"Correct!" Johnny shouted once more, "Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats their opponent when he's at his strongest, like Miss Evans demonstrated at the tournament." He let his eyes scan over his student, "She earned that trophy and fought with respect." Wren swallowed, Johnny the turned to come face to face with Hawk, "Not when their back is turned!" He turned towards Miguel, "Not when he's injured!" Johnny barked at the pair. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, sensei." Everyone replied in unison.
"That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. From here on out those are pussy moves and you don't want to be pussies, do you?"

Wren kept her mouth shut this time as the rest of the class exclaimed: "No, you sensei."

"Good. It's why I had you wear your white belts. We're starting over." Johnny told his students, "Diaz, Hawk, 50 push ups on your knuckles. Miss Evans warm them up." Johnny turned and began to stalk back into his office.

"Yes, sensei." Wren said flatly.

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