xii. secret keeper.

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"Common Demitri, you've got this!" Wren shouted as he held the ball, ready to serve. It had actually been Miguel's idea they all go to the beach, to take a break from training but he was no where in sight. So, to pass the time, Hawk, Wren, Demitri and Moon were playing volleyball, or at least they would be if Demitri didn't take forever each time it was his turn to serve the ball.

Holding the ball in his left hand, Demitri cracked his neck, a sign he was finally going to serve and Hawk bent his knees, ready to react. But as soon as Demitri hit the ball, it went flying into the net at a not so impressive pace, Wren heard Hawk sigh from beside her.

"Uh..." Demitri paused, awkwardly, obviously rather embarrassed, "Mulligan, send it back." He commented.
"There's no mulligans in volleyball." Hawk told him, sounding rather fed up.

"Says you." Demitri retorted.
"Actually, he is right." Wren told Demitri, looking at the sand, with her hands on her hips.

"Whatever, water break." And like that, Demitri was off for his third water break in 10 minutes.

"What is he doing?" Hawk asked Wren, stepping towards her as Demitri bent down to get his towel. "He's wasting so much time so he doesn't lose the game." He whined, shaking his head at her.

"I think it's funny." Wren chuckled, crossing her arms over her oversized t-shirt.
"What's funny?" He asked, a confused look plaguing his face as he turned away from Demitri to look at Wren.

"You, you're letting your competitive side get the best of you. We're here to relax. Common, lighten up. Though it is funny watching you get so grouchy, I must admit." She laughed, placing a hand on her hip as Hawk turned to face her, especially with his towering hair, Wren was over a head shorter than him.

"I am not grouchy." He told her, looking down as Wren just shook her head with a thin smile pressed on her lips.
"Sure, whatever you say...grouchy." She whispered and Hawk had had enough.

"Right, that's it! Come here!" He yelled and Wren squealed as she ran away, she ducked under the net but Hawk was faster, laughing, he wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her in the air. Wren squealed as he did and hunched over once he put her down, her back pressed to his chest.

"You asshole!" She shouted, shoving his chest in a playful manour but he didn't budge.
"Who's grouchy now, little bird?" He taunted and her smile faded quickly, "Oh shit, sorry I didn't mean to call you that. It sort of just slipped out." He apologised and Wren shrugged it off. Hawk remembered how defensive she had gotten about it the night of the party.

"Don't call me that, Demitri." She said, probably more harshly than she meant too but it took both by surprise. "Please, just... Don't."

"It's fine. Don't worry... Big bird." Wren tried to smile and play along with the joke, a lot of time had passed since the party and Wren was more glad to have Hawk back as a friend than anything else. She didn't mind. After all, he didn't know.

"Big grouchy bird." She added and his grin returned.
"Oh, shut up." He moaned, slinging his arm around her and to Hawk, it felt amazing to have Wren back beside him. He didn't realise it, or maybe he just didn't admit, how much he missed her whilst they were fighting. She had always been someone he could rely on. Big or small, it didn't matter.

"Cobra Kai?" Both Wren and Hawk looked up to spy two girls talking to Demiri as he still held the Cobra Kai branded towel in his hands, "You guys won that karate tournament, right?" One of them asked him and Wren stepped forward from beside Hawk.

"Ummm..." Demitri hesitated, unsure of what to say, he glanced back to Wren, who just nodded as if to say 'go ahead'. "The All Valley? The Rumble in Reseda? Yes, err... We, we certainly did." He told the girls, resting an arm on the volleyball post.

"Champion is right here, ladies." Hawk called out, standing behind Wren and putting two hands on her shoulders. Wren gave them a small wave, before elbowing Hawk in the ribs, he hunched over slightly, pressing a hand to his probably new bruise. "Ow." Wren heard him mumble.

"Cool, congratulations." The girl said to Wren.
"Thanks." She replied shortly as Hawk regained his composure.

"Was that really necessary?"
"Not my fault grouchy can't take an elbow." She muttered and Hawk shook his head with a lose laugh.

"We're gonna go for a swim, but maybe play with you later?" The girl said to Demitri.
"Pffft... Mos def. Uh, that means "most definitely"." He said awkwardly, causing the girls to laugh before the walked away, Demitri looking longingly after them both.

"Look at you, player." Wren laughed, walking over, Hawk close behind her.
"It's be nice if you earned the Cobra Kai cred you're so happy to take. When are you ever going to sign up?" He asked coldly and Wren looked between the pair.

"I don't know. I'm kind of enjoying the gain without the pain." Demitri tried to defend and his reasoning was fair in Wren's eyes, since she had know Demitri she had picked up very quickly he would do whatever it took to a voice physical fighting. When she first met him, he was willing to take bullying if it meant keeping his bag out of a trash can. She was just glad her friend could actually flirt now, even if it was very badly.

"Hawk." They turned to see Miguel sauntering over at a slow pace, a black towel thrown over his shoulder.
"Hey Miguel." Wren greeted softly since he looked rather deflated but Hawk didn't seem to get the memo.

"There's the man." He said enthusiastically.
"What's up?" Miguel greeted them both solemnly and Hawk's expression dropped.

"No. No more of this. Look, it's a beautiful day out. The beach is packed with babes." He told Miguel and Wren went to elbow him again but this time Hawk caught her arm.

"Shit." Wren swore under her breath as Hawk let her arm go, she would have to get more creative.

"No more sulking about Sam." Hawk continued.
"Leave off him Hawk, let the man grieve." Wren told him, looking up at Miguel, who did just look like someone told him Father Christmas wasn't real.

"I'm not sulking about Sam. It's about sensei." He told them.
"What do you mean? Did something happen?" Wren asked, a slight note of seriousness finally entering her voice.

"Robby Keene is his son."

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now