xiv. a push and a shove.

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"I admire your technique and another day it may work but I'm afraid to tell you... today is not that day, Evans." Robby told her in a low, rough voice and Wren stepped back.
"Shit." She swore, making Robby chuckle.

"Points for trying, though. Well done." He began to clap which only earned him the finger, making his laugh even more. "But let me ask you something, Evans." Robby grabbed her attention as he pushed himself away from the side and stepped towards her. Gently, he reached out and placed a hand on both her shoulders, guiding her so her back was now pressed against the deck.

"I'm all ears, asshole." She said but Robby didn't laugh that time, his smile was still there but only just as he raised his left hand from her shoulder and placed it on her neck, cupping it softly. Wren said nothing but stared up at him as his fingers trailed up to just under her jaw, giving her goosebumps.

"If you're the one that was trying to seduce me, a valid attempt by the way..." He praised her, a smirk evident on his features, "Why are you the one with a high pulse?"

"Maybe because I'm scared of watching you flirt, you're actually rather good at this." Wren whispered, expecting Robby to lower his hand but it simply didn't move, he only rubbed his thumb in small circles on her skin as she simply leaned into his touch.

"Oh." A voice broke them from their daze and the pair practically sprang apart. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize... Sorry." Mr LaRusso held out his hands in surrender, "I can go...." He offered, pointing his thumb back behind his shoulder, motioning back to the beach club.

Amanda was still looking for her wallet and she had told him Robby went to the beach to see if the life guard had it about 10 minutes ago but he hadn't come back since. Afraid he had gotten into some sort of bind or needed help looking, Daniel went to go see him, only to find him inches away from Wren Evans, in what seemed to be... Well, Daniel wasn't sure.

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna go-" Daniel turned to walk back around but Wren was faster.
"No need, I need to go find Aisha and Tory." She took a few steps towards the gate, about to walk past Mr LaRusso when she hesitated, looking back at Robby, who was scratching the back of his neck...

"Who's flustered now?" She smirked, knowing exactly what Mr LaRusso had thought he just walked in on and disappeared behind the gate and back into the club, leaving Johnny and Daniel behind.

Wren trailed back into the club, her mind moving a million miles an hour when she spotted Aisha and Tory laughing side by side under a parasol and felt her shoulder loosen as she made her way over.

"Hey." Wren greeted, catching their attention and both girls smiled over at her.

"Where the hell have you been?" Tory asked, finishing laughing at something Aisha had said only moments before.

"Believe me, it's a long story. Don't worry about it." She told them, her mind still spinning.

"Why are you the one with a high pulse?"

"Wanna get out of here? I heard the dinner just across the street has some pretty great milkshakes." Wren offered, Aisha and Tory agreed instantly and the three were about to make their exit when a voice called out from behind them.

"Hey." Sam said as the three friends turned around, "My mom's missing her wallet." She told them firmly.

"Sucks for her." Tory told her.

"Did she ask the front desk? I think they have a lost and found." Wren asked Sam but Sam didn't seem to care for anything she had to say.

"Do you know anything about it?" Sam had her eyes trained on Wren before letting them flicker over to Tory, Wren scoffed.
"Wait, what are you saying?" Aisha chimed in, putting two and two together.

"Just give me the wallet and I won't tell security."

"What the fuck, Sam?" Wren burst, shaking her head, taking a deep breath.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Tory asked, disbelief evident in her voice.

"Sam, Wren and Tory didn't steal your mom's wallet." Aisha sounded as outraged as Wren felt, she crossed her arms, glaring Sam down with her teeth clenched.

"Right. And neither of them stole a bottle of vodka or a pack of cigarettes either. Wren's been missing for the last 15 minutes, where the hell have you been? Stealing more stuff I bet." Sam's eyes were unwavering which meant she watched as Wren's expression faded into a smirk, she stepped forward.

"I was on the beach, with Robby, your dad was actually the one that found us. Ask them if you don't believe me." Wren told Sam and nothing could have been more satisfying than watching Sam's face drop.

"I get you hate me but you stay away from my family." Sam ordered sharply and Wren seemed to think about this but truth be told, she felt no sympathy in messing with Sam now. After being accused all day by the girl, Wren just didn't care anymore.

"I don't hate you Sam, I've just lost respect for you. Then again, I never had a whole lot to begin with so we're really back to square one." Wren heard Tory laugh and she broke into a smile, "You really shouldn't accuse people like this, it really isn't very polite you know, you're just going to get yourself into trouble one of these days." Wren told her playfully but Sam didn't look amused.

"Was that a threat?"

"Did it sound like a compliment?" Wren countered, instantly. "Call it advice... I hope your mom finds her wallet." She added before moving to turn around. Tory joined Wren but just as she turned, Sam grabbed Tory's bag, causing her turn spin around and Tory reached out, shoving Sam backwards.

"Get off of me!"

With a short scream, Sam tumbled without any control and collided with a table littered with food, coating her in chocolate moose.

Wren looked at Sam, then Tory, then back to Sam.

"Told you." Wren uttered before following Tory, who had already walked away.
"Real nice friends you've made." Sam told Aisha bitterly.

"You shouldn't have accused them of something like that." Was all Aisha had to say before leaving Sam as she was and following Wren and Tory.

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