xxxiv. for good.

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Kyler held up Demitri's cast and Wren saw he had drawn a large penis on it with black marker. "Hey guys, check this guy out," he held up Demitri's cast, "He's standing around with a dick in his hands." The cafeteria burst into choruses of laughter and just like that:

Wren reached the end of her rope.

Her bag fell from her hand, dropping it just as quickly as she picked it up, not even hearing it as it struck the floor and stalked towards the two boys. Her eyes were fixed on Demitri, who said nothing as Kyler continued to hold up his vandalised cast for all to see.

Without thinking properly or even comprehending her actions due to her blistering anger; Wren grabbed Kyler's arm and he immediately let go of Demitri- some people stopped laughing.

In her free hand, her nails dug into her palms as she clenched her fist. In the back of her mind a voice screamed:

Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight.

It dawned on Wren suddenly that it was Demitri's voice... But looking at him now: embarrassed and scared, Wren chose to ignore his voice in her head entirely as her heart hammered in her chest, therefore drowning out any sense of reason she had left.

Kyler swallowed, his throat dry and coarse momentarily, as he sensed Wren's rage pour out of her. He had seen this rage before so he said nothing.

Wren spoke flatly, "You're asking for a cast just like his and I'm happy to oblige..." Kyler let his eyes flicker to the dozens of others watching them, Wren's words were quiet enough to be incomprehensible to anyone over a metre away.

"Fight!" Someone shouted from the waves of faces and Wren's teeth clenched.

No. No. Stop.

Kyler fixed his eyes back on her, "Sit. Down." Wren ordered, her words laced with strength and hostility, and the next thing she knew Kyler did as he was told. Without another word he returned to his seat and balanced his crossed ankles, propping them up on the chair next to him casually, as if trying to ignore she even spoke to him. As if in denial she ever spoke. Embarrassed and trying to ignore her.

But everyone was watching.

Wren's eyes flickered to Demitri, who swallowed before stalking from the room. Fists still clenched, Wren turned around to grab her bag and gripped onto it as she glanced around at her peers.

"You all think that's fucking funny?" She sneered and walked back towards Miguel and Hawk, though she did't intend on stopping, Miguel blocked her in her tracks.

"You think that changes anything?" He said calmly, Wren just stared, gripping her bag even tighter.

"I didn't do it for you..." She replied in an equal tone of impatience and irritation, "If you're going to hate me..." Wren told him, her eyes cold and unwavering- the complete opposite from apologetic and sincere like he had been expecting, "Do it from a distance Miguel..." Wren tugged her bag back on her shoulder and uttered, "I already hate myself, I don't need you making it worse."

She took one step before hesitating, her eyes skimming back to his. Hawk remained quiet, watching. "And don't think for one second that anyone's forgotten you kissed Sam when you knew she had a boyfriend..." Though quiet, her words were unmistakably venomous and threatening, "No one is perfect, Miggy. Especially not us."

Her nickname for him felt sour on her tongue, he said nothing as she turned away. Feeling as if a bag of stones were weighted on her chest as she left the room where she had first met her best friend, and the same room where she just destroyed that same friendship....

For good, it seemed.

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