xi. his home.

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Wren was at the LaRusso's in 10 minutes. She knocked on their door, then twice and a tall woman with long brown hair answered the door. Wren figured it must be Sam's mother, they shared the same piercing eyes and dark wavy hair.

"Hello, can I help you?" She asked calmly and Wren nodded.
"Hello, I'm looking for Sam, my name is Wren." She said quickly and Amanda took another look at the girl before recognising her as the champion of the All Valley.

"Of course, come on in." She smiled and Wren anxiously rubbed her hands together.
"Oh, I don't want to impose Mrs LaRusso, please Sam just called me about Robby, I thought something might be wrong..." Wren told the woman and Amanda gave her a warm smile.

"I completely understand, let me go get Sam but between you and me, I made some cookies... They're on the side." Amanda told Wren and Wren, who really didn't feel like going inside, took a step into their home.

Amanda left Wren in the kitchen and walked up the stairs to Sam's room but as she did, she couldn't help but recall Wren's black eye at the tournament, how she had confided in Daniel about it. How Daniel wanted her to come to Miyagi-Do, and how she had beaten her own teammates and comforted Robby after he was injured. Amanda had seen it all, she knew Wren wasn't like the other Cobra Kai students. Daniel had told Amanda that there was still hope for Wren, which she thought was a bit dramatic but she knew Wren would do great things, even if she didn't trust Cobra Kai.

As soon as Sam entered the kitchen, she spotted Wren perched on the end of a chair, her fingers knotted in twists on her lap as she looked around their kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked her, folding her arms and Wren snapped out of her gaze to see her standing at the edge of the kitchen.
"You called me remember?" She replied bitterly, standing from the chair.

"You hung up before I could explain." Sam retorted, equally as venomous and Amanda followed Sam in, standing behind the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Sam, I didn't come here to fight. What happened? Where's Robby?" Wren asked in a calmer voice, trying to slow her heartbeat, trying to control her fear which she could feel bubbling in her chest.

"That's what I wanted to ask you." Sam said, uncrossing her arms and moving to lean on the side beside her mother.
Just as she did, Daniel walked in, he took a double take when he saw Wren Evans standing in the middle of his kitchen.

"Ah, Wren, to what do we owe to pleasure."
"Don't worry Dad, she's not staying long." Sam suddenly snapped and Wren shook her head.

"Sam, will you just fucking tell me what happened to Robby?" Wren half yelled, "I didn't come here to argue, I just want to know why you decided to call me!" She told them, flushed and worried.

"Sam, what's going on, what happened to Robby?" Daniel asked slowly when Sam didn't reply to Wren's outburst.
"Wren, how much about Robby's home life?" Sam's question caught Wren off guard as she looked at her feet, casting her mind back.

"Can I crash here tonight?" He asked and it took Wren by surprise, to her, Robby seemed like someone who had his whole life together. She understood that he didn't get on with his father, that Johnny had made clear but she just didn't think that if he needed anything that she would be the one to come to, "My mom... she's out of town and we didn't make the electric bill this month and I err, I don't think I'm welcome at the LaRusso's anymore. I sort of..." Robby trailed off and Wren shook her head suddenly.

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