xli. free birds.

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The two men watched the whole exchange and allowed them to bask in it before Daniel left Johnny's side and walked down the stairs and into the rain. "Robby!" He called out.

Johnny didn't want to be left alone and hated LaRusso even more for ruining Robby, Wren's and this stranger's moment. But still, he followed.

The kids broke away and turned to face the coming adults. Wren found herself stepping forward, Will and Robby stood side by side and she stood in front. Daniel paused about a metre away and the rain began to lighten, cracks of sunshine breaking through the clouds.

"I don't want either of you here." Robby said flatly, any trace of his smile had dissolved as he stared down his dad and his old sensei.

"You're my son. I wanted to be here."

"So did I."

"Don't do me any favours, it was your fault I was in there at all." Robby snapped, moving to stand by Wren's side to face Mr LaRusso. Will remained silent as he watched, the tallest out of all five.

"I know you're upset." Daniel offered, Wren sucked in a breath.

"Upset?" She snapped, taking another step forward and Daniel took one back. Wren had hit him before, though he had never hit her back and he didn't plan on starting today.

Though, before she could get another step on him, Johnny ready to watch whatever was about to unfold, Wren felt a steadying hand over her shoulder. Will had followed her forward and anchored her back. His grip was gentle and yet firm.

A reminder not to allow her rage to blind her.

"Easy." He whispered and if it had been anyone other than him- Wren probably would have told him to fuck off, but coming from him...

That one word meant everything.

Slowly, Wren sunk into Will's side between him and Robby. Robby was still staring down the two men and was glad Will had pulled Wren back since he didn't think he would do anything to stop her fighting Mr LaRusso.

He knew Mr LaRusso had the skill to win but he knew Wren had hatred, determination and pure rage on her side.
Wren clenched her fists subconsciously, not even wincing as her nails began to dig into her palms. However, she didn't fight it when she felt a smooth hand slide into her own from behind her.


He moved forward slightly to hide it from the adults. Shielding her from them almost. And Wren suddenly realised- she didn't have to fight anymore. She had them back.

"I was doing what was best for you." Daniel continued, his eyes skimming over Will and Wren before landing them back on Robby. Will chuckled dryly, which sent a vibration through Wren since she was still pressed against his side, his arm around her shoulder.

"I take it you've never done time then." Will uttered, loud enough for them all to hear and almost earned a small laugh from Johnny. Wren was almost certain that if this was under any other circumstances those two would get along quite well.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Daniel snapped, seemingly irritated that his attempt at sentimentality was being interrupted.

"Will, Will Larson." Will shrugged, "I would offer to shake your hand but I don't shake hands with rats." Will said casually, his eyes scanning Daniel up and down. Daniel opened his mouth to retort something, he was without a doubt offended but Robby cut him off.

"He got me through juvie and has done more for me in the last three months than you have." Robby snapped and Daniel closed his mouth. Johnny was watching how the three huddled together.

He noticed Wren holding Robby's hand, and their kiss confirmed that they liked each other- he had known that for a while. But the way Will had his arm around Wren, it suggested they had known each other for much longer than he could imagine.

It clicked in his head, Wren had told him about Will when he found her outside the school:

"I've got a friend in there, Will, who's looking after him." Wren said and Johnny couldn't help but smile too, "I asked Will to look out for Robby, I trust Will with my life, I know Robby is just fine."

Johnny wasn't sure what he had expected Will to look like, tall, buff, stereotypical gang tattoos, he wasn't sure... But he definitely wasn't expecting the lean blonde boy that stood before him because... Well, Will reminded Johnny of himself. And if you added the fact that Will had protected his son and that Johnny trusted Wren's judgement as well- Johnny immediately took a liking to the boy.

He could guess that all three cared about each other. He had always known Wren and Robby protected each other but now he knew Will was apart of that too.

"What where you in for, kid?" Johnny asked, getting completely sidetracked but his curiosity won out.

"Assault." Will told him simply, "Though between you and me," He leaned in, pretending to whisper but they could all hear him, "It should have been attempted murder." And fixing his eyes on Daniel, Will winked.

"Seriously?" Daniel snapped, pointing a hand in Will and Wren's general direction by Robby's side, "This is the company you chose to keep.

"LaRusso." Wren snapped.

"Daniel." Johnny echoed.

"Now that you're out, I just want you to know I'm here." He sighed, "You always have a home at Miyagi-Do."

Wren fixed her eyes on Johnny. "Or me." He added.

"Both of you, stay out of my life."

little bird // r.keeneWhere stories live. Discover now