xix. the larson's story.

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"It was December 3rd 2016 and Wren and Rue were walking home from school. It wasn't far, just a few streets over, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing they hadn't done thousands of times..." Will began and Robby listened intently over the simmering chatter behind them, Will took a long breath and Robby instantly knew it had been a long time since Will said any of this out loud, despite thinking about it every day.


"We were just chatting about normal things," Wren explained, her eyes were red and the blanket was back around her shoulders, hugging her tightly. Both Tory and Hawk sat on either side of her on the edge of the bed, Wren played with her fingers anxiously on her lap. It had been so long. So so long. "Homework. How my mom was back in town. How Will, Rue's older brother, was leaving for college."


"The girls said their goodbyes and Rue crossed the street, Wren kept walking since her mom was in town, a rare occasion..." Will was gesturing with his hands in front of him, emphasising the story, a habit he had possessed since childhood but hadn't seen in two years. "She told me she heard it first...." He paused.

"Heard what?" Robby asked softly, hardly containing his curiosity but Will didn't mind. He was just thankful someone wanted to listen. Will's eyes raked back up to Robby's.

"Rue, she, she err... never made it to the other side of the street." Robby's heart sunk to his feet.


"I heard it first... a car engine revving and then the impact." Wren said flatly, swallowing her throat dry enough to choke her but she didn't let that stop her. Hawk reached out and took her hand in his, "She was standing one moment and then the next she wasn't. She was there and then she was- she was on the road, lying down." She took a deep breath, making sure to speak clearly, feeling as if she owed that to Rue. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't.


"Someone heard Wren screaming and called an ambulance... Little bird held Rue until the ambulance arrived, cradling her head, the medics told me when they got there. Apparently she refused to let go at first; Wren kept talking to her, telling her to open her eyes and to stay awake. Wren spoke to her the whole ride there." Will carried on and his voice didn't waver once, Robby kept his expression blank as he listened.


"I was in shock, there was so much blood; the paramedics thought I was also in the accident because of how fucked up I was. I didn't leave her side, held onto her the whole way to the hospital. I kept telling her not to go anywhere and to stay awake even though her eyes were shut." Wren squeezed Hawk's hand, "I don't think I'll ever forget that."


"Wren was shaking so bad someone else had to open her phone to get my number and call me.... I drove there as fast as I could but I don't know how long she had been sitting in the waiting room when I arrived..." Will paused, "She was alone and covered in blood and shaking and scared... I don't think I will ever forget that." Robby didn't want to picture it but he couldn't help it, he bit the inside of his mouth; hard enough to taste blood. "Rue died in the OR... They couldn't save her."


"That umm, that's why I haven't been to visit Miguel at all. I- I just, I can't..." Her breaths shook slightly, licking her lips, "The last time I was in that room, I," She shook her head, "It's where they told me Rue died..."

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