Home - Damon Salvatore

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I could handle a lot of things, a lot. I could handle being ignored. Could handle being stuck in the shadows. I could even handle the whispers from when I returned like nothing ever happened after the death of my entire family. But I could not handle the loneliness that came with him leaving once again.

He always left. And damn me for falling in love with... with that damned Salvatore. Though every time he does come back but it's a wonder as to what is the length of time he will be gone for. Damon Salvatore is a God sent and a devil in disguise all at the same time. I love him without question every time I have him with me but hate him every time he leaves. But I can't leave him alone.

I know where he goes, who he's with, and what he has there. I've never begged him to stay, not even once, even if I should. I never ask him to go with him because the life he has there is nothing like the life we have when he's here. He explains that when he's there it's chaos and here... here is his peace. Here he can be just Damon and not the one who feels he needs to hold it all in for everyone else's sake. He doesn't need to be the bad guy.

I missed him. There was no telling when he would return. So here, I sat and let the silent tear roll down my face waiting for him to finally return to me. If he was going to, that is.

Sitting in the silence and darkness that had now become my kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. I was expecting no one so I made no notion to answer it. The knock sounded once more and still I did not make a move to get up instead, I folded my hand on the table and placed my head upon them facing away from the entryway into the kitchen.

The sound of my front door squeaking open made its way to my ears and the slight noise of footsteps traveling throughout the house followed. It alarmed me slightly, but I was in a space where I just couldn't care any less. It seemed that whoever it was found what they were looking for because their footsteps had ceased.

I heard a relieved sigh come from behind me. "There you are." He said. The voice of that damn Salvatore ringing through the kitchen.

I snapped my head around and looked towards the entryway, the moonlight shining through the window just enough to make out his shadowy figure standing there. "D-Damon?" My voice trembled as I called out his name in an almost whisper.

"In the flesh." He said as he walked closer.

I almost flew out of my chair and over to him. Jumping once I had made it over, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I had locked myself around him as his arms held me tightly to him. "You're home." I breathed in relief and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. "You're home."

He kissed the top on my head and smiled. "I'm home, (Y/N/N). I'm home."

We stayed like that for a while before he started moving and heading towards our room and laying us down on the bed. He looked at me in pure adoration as he pushed a piece of fallen hair out of my face. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry I left. It won't happen again." he said as he stared into my eyes.

I shook my head and said, "I don't want an apology or a promise we both know is hard to keep. I'm just glad you're home." I smiled and cuddled up to him.

His arms wrapped around me for dear life and he sighed happily. "I intend to keep this promise. I'm not leaving you again. Ever."

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