Wonder Boy and V

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"Shit," I mutter, looking down at my hand. There's a long, bleeding cut stretching across the soft skin of my palm. "Hurry up, Jeff! I'm bleeding buckets!"

"Don't be dramatic. It's just a small cut," Gally snaps from his chair beside me. "Quit cryin' about it."

"Last time I checked, no one asked you to be here. Besides Wonder Boy, you're the one who distracted me in the first place."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"And I told you no."

Gally rolls his eyes, glaring at me with his arms crossed.  "Jeff!" I shout, already annoyed with Gally.

"I'm coming! Chill!" Jeff calls from the back of the Medjack hut. Gally scoffs, making me snap my head back over to him.

"What now?" I snap.

"Nothing," he mutters. I sigh in anger, looking back down at my hand. My good hand is held under the bleeding one and I watch as crimson drops of blood fall onto the palm of it.

My eyes snap up to meet Gally's. "This is your fault, y'know." 

"How is it my fault?!" He cries out, uncrossing his arms and instead placing them on his kneecaps, leaning slightly forward.

"You couldn't shut your trap! If you hadn't been yappin' and made me mad, this wouldn't have happened."

"Well you're the one who was stupid enough to get distracted. What I was saying had nothing to do with you!"

"It might as well have been!"

"Maybe you should just learn to control your anger!"

My eyebrows fly up. "That's a lot coming from you," I sneer.

"God, shut up!" Jeff shouts as he approaches us. "You two are acting like children!"

"We are, moron," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "Now would you please help me out here?"

Jeff kneels down, taking my hand in his and gently cleaning the cut with rubbing alcohol. I wince, biting the inside of my cheek to keep in my cries. Once he's done, he wraps the cut with gauze to keep it from bleeding everywhere, as well as to keep any dirt out.

"Ow," I wince, watching as he wraps the gauze tightly around my hand, "ow, ow, ow." Jeff loosens the wrap before wrapping some medical tape around my hand to keep the gauze from falling off.

"Saying that won't help, you know," Gally mumbles, crossing his arms again. "Besides, aren't you a Medjack? Why can't you wrap your own cut?"

"Shut up, Wonder Boy," I snap, flexing my hand as Jeff steps back. Gally lets out a fake yawn, covering his mouth before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms once more, his muscles flexing as he does so. "Stop it." I snap, glaring at him out of the corner of my eye.

"I didn't do anything," he replies.

"You're sitting there breathing. Isn't that enough?"

He snaps, "you drive me insane, y'know that?"

"The feeling's mutual, Wonder Boy." 

"Quit calling me that."





"Shut up and go!" Jeff shouts, running his hand through his short black hair. "I'm sick of the constant bickering!"

"Sorry," we both mutter, looking at the ground. I stare at my hand, the gauze and tape both an odd, pristine color of white. It's rare to see anything so clean in this place. The thought of the dirt that will inevitably make its way onto the wrap and tape and ruin the cleanliness of it makes me almost nauseous.

Jeff's the one who snaps me out of my daze. "You're good to go, V."

I blink a few times, looking up at him, almost startled by how easily his voice cut through my thoughts. I stand up. "Thanks, Jeff!" I offer him a smile despite still being slightly dazed, but he doesn't seem to notice. He smiles a toothy grin back at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

I make my way to the door of the Medjack hut before turning around, noticing that Gally isn't following me. "You coming, Wonder Boy?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at him. He groans, but stands up, making his way over to me. I open the door for him, beckoning him out. "Ladies first,"  I say, snorting out a laugh. Gally turns around, his eyebrows raised. I skip out of the Medjack hut after him, grabbing ahold of his large bicep. "Where to, Wonder Boy?" I ask. Just as I finish my sentence, a loud, blaring alarm sounds across the Glade, cutting through the peace.

"The Box, I guess," he shouts in order to be heard over the alarm. We make our way to the Box, Gally opening the cage doors with the help of Newt. I peer down inside, my eyes meeting  the Greenie's. Another boy. Great.

I sigh, turning around and walking away as Gally pulls the Greenie out of the Box. I can hear some commotion behind me, but it's just the Glader's guessing what job the Greenie will end up with. So I ignore them, making my way to the Deadheads. I find my special tree and climb up it,  sitting down comfortably on one of the forks in the branches as I watch the Gladers milling about down below. I smile as the thought that the boys beneath me look like ants crosses my mind.

"Hey!" Someone shouts from down below. I look down, my eyes meeting Gally's. He looks pissed off, his eyebrows arched high.

"Howdy!" I call down in an accent.

"How the hell did you get up there?!"

"I climbed, dumbass!" 

"I get that, but how?!"

A smile plays at the corners of my lips. "Why?! Do you want up?!" 

"No, I want you to get down!"

"You'll have to make me!"

I can practically hear his sigh of frustration, his sharp eyebrows knitting together as he uncrosses his arms and looks at the tree. He looks like he's contemplating what to do.

And then, he starts making his way up the tree slowly, grunting the whole time while muttering curse words under his breath. I smirk, kicking my legs back and crossing my arms behind my head, leaning against one of the branches while I wait.

It takes him a while, but he finally makes it up, pulling himself onto one of the branches.

"Took you long enough," I say, letting out a fake yawn. Gally says something, but it's barely audible due to him gasping for breath. I snort, watching as beads of sweat race down his forehead. "Someone tuckered out?"

"I... got up," he says through heavy gasps. He points towards the ground before gesturing towards me. "Now you... get down."

"Nah," I reply, crossing my legs and resting my forearms on them. "I think I'll let you catch your breath first."

"This isn't a fucking game, Greenie!" He shouts, sitting up and glaring at me, still breathing heavily.

Although I'm slightly taken aback by his sudden outburst, I don't let it phase me. "You don't have to call me that anymore, Wonder Boy. I haven't been the Greenie for three years."

"Shut up," He snaps, resting his head against the trunk of the tree, closing his eyes, leaving his mouth agape. One knee is up, his forearm resting on it. The other leg is sticking straight out, his other arm down by his side.

"Gladly," I mutter.

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