Sunscreen = free back massage

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"No, Newt, please don't!" I shout, trying desperately to prevent the blonde boy from taking off his shirt.

"Everyone else is!" He shouts back, ignoring me grabbing the hem of his shirt.

"That doesn't mean you-" I start, but he tugs his shirt off anyway. "Oh, gross!" I cover my eyes as he laughs. 

The blonde says, "get over it," before starting towards the gardens. I follow him, leaning on one of the stakes in the ground. I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I look around the Glade, literally every single boy with his shirt off. "Don't you dare look at Gally," Newt says.

"I'm not gonna..." I trail off when my eyes land on him, my voice getting caught in my throat.

"Bloody hell," Newt mutters, running a hand over his face. "You're ridiculous."

I don't respond. I'm too busy looking at Gally. He's shirtless , sweat dripping down his back as he's building. He looks so fucking attractive. 

"Hellooo? Anyone home?" Newt asks, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my daze, turning my head towards him.

"Huh?" I ask, shaking my head and blinking at him, smiling as if nothing happened.

Newt scoffs, shaking his head. He pushes his hair off of his forehead. "God, you were practically drooling over him."

"I was not!"

Yes you were! I could practically see the bloody hearts in your shuckin' eyes!" He says, rolling his eyes. "Oh damn, Minho's got nice muscles."

"That's disgusting, Newton! He's one of your best friends!" I shout, smacking him lightly on the arm.

"I'm just saying!" He defends, putting his arms up in surrender. 

"Well don't just s-"

"Holy shuck, Dylan does too." He whispers, cutting me off.

"And you say I'm bad." I mutter, slapping my hand against my forehead. I let my eyes wander again as Newt starts discussing with the Trackhoes what the plan for the day is. Subconsciously, my eyes fix themselves on Gally's back once again.

I watch as he carries a stack of wood over to one group of Builders, wiping the sweat off of his forehead before telling them what to do with it. They nod and Gally makes his was away from them towards a toolbox. He grabs it and carries it over to a wooden table nearby, his muscles flexing as he does so. He catches my eye and offers me a small smile, my face burning as I slowly and awkwardly raise my hand. 

"Oh, shuckin' hell," Newt mutters. My eyes snap back over to him and I glare at him, narrowing my eyes. He nods over towards Gally half-hardheartedly. I look back over at the Builder and see him beckoning for me to go over to him. Newt lets out a sigh as I look back over at him. "Go," he mutters.

I wave goodbye to the Trackhoes before making my way over to the Builder's station, my fingers fiddling with the hem of my shirt as I walk. As I grow closer, however, my heart begins to pound nervously in my chest. Doubt creeps into my mind with every step I take and I suddenly wish I never caught his eye in the first place.  

He offers me a warm smile, however, once I reach him, and the doubt fades as quickly as it had come. I smile back, still fiddling with the hem of my shirt, but for a completely different reason than before.

"You beckoned?" I ask, making sure to keep my voice calm despite the light shaking in my hands. Gally grins, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"The guys are gettin' on my nerves," he replies with a nonchalant shrug. I glance over at the Builders to see them shooting Gally and I glances every few seconds, glaring at their Keeper. I look away quickly, averting my eyes. My hands wring together under Gally's gaze, that familiar feeling of anxiety creeping its way back into my body. I can feel my cheeks burning. "Hey, you okay?" He asks, snapping me out of my daze. "You're lookin' a little red."

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