Newt is gay best friend goals

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I stand in front of the doors in complete shock, my mouth still agape. My vision is going blurry and my head is throbbing. I feel as if the whole world has gone still, my thumping heart and panicked breathing being the only two things I can hear.

Not only did I watch one of my best friends be crushed between the doors, but I've now lost four friends in two days. 

The tears begin running down my cheeks slowly at first, but become a steady stream within seconds. My body begins to shake with sobs as I collapse into the boy who still has his arms around me. I sink into his body, his arms wrapping tighter around my body.

I turn so that I'm facing him. I know that it's Newt because as I cry, I can hear him ordering the other Gladers around.

Eventually, my sobs begin to slow, leaving me with red, puffy eyes, an aching stomach, and a shaking body. Newt's arms are still around me, holding me tightly to his body. We're still standing in the same spot.

I eventually pull away from him, wiping my eyes on the sleeve of the hoodie that Gally gave me the morning after our first kiss. Back when everything wasn't so fucked up.

Newt gently takes my face in his hands and wipes the stray tears off my cheeks with the pad of his thumbs, trying to give me a warm smile. He can barely even bring himself to smile though.

All the Gladers have parted ways for the night, but I'm not sure when they left. In fact, I'm not sure how long Newt and I have been standing here. 

"It'll be okay, love." Newt says in a soft voice, trying to reassure me of something that neither of us believe. I shake my head, unable to bring myself to speak. "Minho's fast. He's smart. If anyone can survive the Maze, it's him. Plus, we've seen Thomas run. He's fast too. Let's just hope he can keep up with Minho."

Again, I shake my head. Newt furrows his eyebrows, his head tilting slightly. 

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Logan." I croak out, my voice barely even audible from all the crying I've done the past few days.

A look of pain passes over Newt's face. I can tell that he's trying to hold himself together for me. Sure, he wasn't close to Logan, but he was still a child. No child should have a fate like that. 

"Chuck." I bring myself to say. "Where's Chuck?"

He and Logan were close. I need to be there for Chuck. He's too young to have seen something as gruesome as that. 

We all are.

"Frypan's got him, Venny. He'll be alright." Newt tries to assure me. I just shake my head, taking a deep breath and wiping my eyes again. 

I can't just fall apart like this every time something bad happens. Newt doesn't. Gally doesn't. Why am I the only one who falls apart when something happens?

"I have to find him." I say, my voice still raspy, but at least it's audible.

"No, love, you have to rest." Newt replies. "Go to bed." I just shake my head. Newt sighs, knowing how stubborn I can be. He runs his hand through his hair, his eyes and body tired. He looks the same as Minho did earlier this morning. Tired of everything.

"Check the Kitchens first." He says. I nod, trying to smile, but I just can't bring myself to do it no matter how hard I try. I'm about to walk away, but I pull Newt in for one more hug, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He smiles softly at the small action, watching me walk towards the Kitchens.


I can hear Chuck's cries before I even reach the Kitchen. I don't even bother to knock when I get to the doorway, seeing Frypan shielding the young boy's body from the world of pain and hurt he's already had to experience.

I walk right over to the two boys, wrapping my arms around Chuck's body. He only cries harder, not even bothering to be quiet. Frypan and I don't care. No kid Chuck's age should watch his best friend be crushed to death.

Frypan's body is shaking too, but his tears are silent. Seeing them both fall apart like this makes me start crying again as well.

We're too young to witness this kind of stuff. Who in their right mind would force kids to watch their best friends be murdered right in front of them?

The three of us sit wrapped in each other's embrace, Frypan and I trying to shield Chuck with our bodies from all of the horrors of the world. 

Frypan and I gradually run out of tears to cry, but Chuck seems to be in an endless loop of tears. He can't bring himself to stop crying. We don't mind it though. We just hold him while he cries, grieving over the loss of the four people he lost tonight, one of which was his best friend.

I make a promise to myself as I hold him. I will do whatever it takes to protect Chuck, no matter what the cost. Whatever comes our way next, I will be there to protect him from the dangers of the world. He needs a guardian, so that's what I'll be. 

I'll be Chuck's guardian and protect him from anything that might hurt him or put him in any kind of danger. 

I can't let anything else happen to him. I refuse to.

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