Burn marks and scars😭

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Venus's POV~

TW: mentions of abuse

"Have you written anything lately?" Gally asks. Both of us our laying on the wooden platform staring up at the night sky, my head resting on his chest as his fingers mess with my hair.

"Nunya." I reply, a smile forming on my face. I can imagine Gally rolling his eyes. 

"Can I hear one?"

"Why?" I ask, my fingers absentmindedly tangling and untangling together over and over again.

"Because I like your poems. You're a good writer." He replies. I groan, pulling my journal out of my jeans pocket. 

"Fine. One poem and that's all for tonight."

"I'll take what I can get." He says. I roll my eyes before picking a poem, squinting in the moonlight to see it despite the fact that I know it by heart. I take a deep breath before beginning,

"You are my blue crayon
The one I'll never have enough of
I could try to draw the sky
But it'll never be as pretty as the one up above
All the other colors
Beg to be used
They create a beautiful picture
But never as beautiful as you
And yellow cannot color the ocean
And green cannot color the sky
And red cannot color
The tears that I cry
And I might never be able to draw
A picture that fully captures your beautiful hues
Or the way that you look
From all different views
But I will spend an eternity
Until my dying day is due
Trying to draw an ocean or a sky
As beautiful as you"

"Wow." Gally breathes out after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, well, it's not my best." I mutter, pocketing the journal again, my face bright red.

"Ven, that was really fucking good. Stop saying that you're not a good writer. You're phenomenal."

My face burns even darker at the compliment. My throat feels too tight to speak, so I don't.

"Who's it about?" He asks after another moment of silence.

"You know who it's about, dumbass." I reply, rolling my eyes as he chuckles.

"Yeah, well it's really good. Like, really good. I'm thinking of stealing it and framing it to put on my bedside table."

"Shut up." I mutter, elbowing him in the ribs lightly.

"No, really. I'll look at it every night before I fall asleep."

"I'm officially tuning you out, idiot."

"Maybe I'll even write my own so that you can put one on your bedside table."

"You're ridiculous."

"Roses are red, violets are blue-"

"Shut up." I say, unable to control the giggles escaping my lips. Gally laughs too, wrapping his arms tightly around me in order to hold me closer to his body.

"There's your planet." He says, pointing right above us at the brightest 'star' in the sky. I smile as I hold his arms, feeling him press a kiss to my hair.

"I like the stars." I say, looking up at the dazzling midnight sky.

"I know." He replies. 

"They're pretty." I add, craning my neck back to look at him. He's grinning down at me, shaking his head slightly.

"I know." He says with a chuckle. "Like-"

"If you say 'like you', I will punch you in the arm."

"Noted. I won't finish my last sentence then." Gally replies, a smile still on his face as he gazes at me, hands messing with my hair. 

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