Gally's such a softie with Venus!!!!!

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The day goes by slowly. Hardly anyone comes into the Medhut, leaving me alone for the majority of the day. Of course, that gives me some time to write, but I have to admit, the silence nearly kills me. It's unbearable.

I never realized until now that I need a lot of stimulation.

"Clintttt!" I call out, waiting for the other Medjack to hear me and come rushing over. "Clintonnn!"

"What?!" He snaps, running his hand over his face as he makes his way over to me.

"I'm bored." I reply, playing with a section of my hair.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I dunno." I reply with a shrug. "Entertain me."

"Get Jeff to do that." 

"Jeff's busy."

"Doing what?"

"Your mom." I reply with a cackle, doubling over.

"That's not funny, Venus." Clint says, his voice unnamused. 

"Jeez, talk about boring." I mutter, recollecting myself.

"Look, if you're bored, go find someone else to bother. I don't have time for this." He runs a hand over his tired face again before turning around and walking away.

"So I can go?!" I call.

"Yup!" Clint shouts back. I practically jump out of my seat, snatching up my notebook and running out the door. I fly across the Glade, not even sure where I'm going. All I know is that I'm running. I'm running and it feels amazing.

I can hear people shouting my name and calling out to me, but none of it matters. All that matters is that my legs keep on moving. 

The world is blurring around me. I'm moving so fast that I can't see anything except for what's right in front of me. 

I can't help the grin that's on my face. I never knew I could enjoy running so much, but I do. I don't even have a destination, yet somehow, I know exactly where I'm going.

I run into the Deadheads, slowing my pace so that I don't run into anything. I collapse in front of my tree in a fit of giggles, rolling around on the ground and clutching my stomach. 

If anyone else were here, they would think I was crazy. But it's just me. I'm alone.

Once my laughing fit is over, I climb my tree and perch myself in the fork, pulling my journal out of my pocket and making myself comfortable. 

You are my blue crayon
The one I'll never have enough of
I could try to draw the sky
But it'll never be as pretty as the one up above

My pen flies across the page as I pour all of my feelings onto this single sheet of paper in front of me. Thoughts, words, and emotions flow from my mind into a long, beautiful poem. It's incredible.

"Hey! You alright?!" Someone shouts from below me. I peer over the branches and through the leaves, meeting eyes with Gally. A smile immediately forms on my face.

"Perfect!" I shout back. Gally's smiling brightly, looking up at me. "I'll come down! Give me a second!"

And with that, I climb down the tree quickly, hardly noticing the scratches and cuts I receive along the way.

I breathe out a sigh of relief when I finally touch my foot to the ground, running a hand through my hair. I turn around, but Gally's already there, standing directly in front of me, his face close to mine.

"Hey." I whisper with a smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and linking my hands together. Gally grins back.

"Hey." He whispers before wrapping his arms around my waist gently. It's as if he's scared he'll break me. I can't help but laugh. Gally's eyebrows furrow, confused as to why I'm laughing.

"I won't break, Galpal. I'm not as delicate as you think I am."

He smiles. Shakes his head.

"I just- I don't want to hurt you." 

"You won't." I reply, closing my eyes with a smile. 

"I just can't believe that I'm doing this. That I'm holding you like this. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd be-"

I silence him by putting a finger to his lips. I look up at him, into his eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me already." I say. Gally reacts immediately, pulling me as close as he can and pressing his lips against mine. 

And suddenly, the world is melting away. Gally's hands are on my waist, slowly trailing up my back. My hands are running through his hair and down his neck, my fingernails lightly dragging their way across his skin.

My mind is fuzzy and my limbs are weak and I can't think anything except for how amazing this is. How amazing he is. This is so perfect. Everything about this moment and him are all so perfect. 

And then all I can think about are his lips and how soft they are against mine. Like the first snowfall as it blankets the earth. They're sweet and intoxicating, like cotton candy. He knows where to kiss me. He knows how to kiss me. And I know that he's not going to stop.

My back is pressed against the trunk of the tree, the bark rough on my skin. It stabs into my back, trying desperately to bring me back to reality, but I won't let it. I ignore the feeling and focus on Gally.

My entire body has gone numb, every inch of it completely intoxicated by Gally. 

His hands run up and down my sides and back, igniting every inch of my body. My skin tingles under his touch, my pulse quick, but somehow steady.

The butterflies are back, dancing around my rib cage in excitement. I've never felt this way before. Never been this incredibly happy.

Our kisses slow down and my pulse begins steadying. Gally pulls away, resting his forehead on mine.

"God, you're fucking perfect." He mutters, nudging his nose against mine. I giggle. Gally stands up to his full height, looking down at me with a wide smile. His hands cup my cheeks, thumbs drawing shapes on the skin. 

"You're everything I've ever wanted." I reply with a smile. 

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