🎶Slipping through my fingers all the time🎶

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Gally's POV~ 

Sweat drips down my body as I push myself to run faster, turning whenever my instincts tell me to. I'm not sure where the hell I am, but something inside of me knows that with every step I take, I'm getting closer to Venus.

However, I can feel myself slipping away with every minute passing by. Every few minutes, a sharp pain stabs my brain, causing my eyesight to blur and me to lose my footing, causing me to stumble or trip. It's getting more frequent, too. 

On top of that, I can feel the infection coursing through my veins. Every time my heart beats, I can hear it all too loudly. It sounds almost like heavy rain hitting a window pane or a hammer hitting wood. It never stops.

I find myself taking turns that I wouldn't have even thought to take. I find myself thinking things that I would've never thought before. I know that I'm not fully me anymore. I'm barely thinking thoughts that are my own. Whoever's inside my mind almost has full control. Within minutes, I'll be gone. I'll be a mindless drone at the Creator's disposal.

I know I should've just gone with her; with them. Maybe they could've helped me. Maybe they could've found a way to save me. A medicine. A cure. Anything.

But I let my pride and beliefs stand in the way having an actual future. I was too stubborn to believe them when they said they found an exit until it was too late. She begged me to follow her. I was too caught up in my own mind to listen. She yearned for me to follow her, but I didn't. I let her slip through my fingers like sand; like shadows into the shade. 

I look up before taking another turn and search the sky for her star. My eyes find it almost immediately, as if I knew exactly where it would be. 

I feel another sharp pain in my temple, but this time, it feels much stronger. It causes me to collapse onto the stone floor on my hands and knees. I let out a strained cry of agony, gripping my hair tightly between my fingers. I clutch my head in my hands, rocking back and forth on my knees, but the feeling doesn't subside. If anything, it only grows stronger. 

My vision is blurred again, making it difficult to see anything. My body feels as if it has weights inside of it, making it impossible for me to stand. A loud, shrill ringing fills my eardrums.

I'm not sure how I know it, but I'm only a few more turns away from the exit. A few more turns  away from Venus. My vision begins coming back to me, but the ringing is still loud in my ears. My limbs still feel heavy, but I force myself to my feet and stumble through the Maze before I finally make it to the end. My eyes landing immediately on the bloodbath before me.

Dead Grievers line the small corridor, their metal bodies crushed beneath a series of walls that must've collapsed, but have since been lifted back up to their original place. Some of the Griever's metal limbs are still twitching. I see the bodies of some of the boys who had been with Thomas's group crushed beneath the metal creatures as well. Their blood stains the stone floor.

I stumble forward and step around the first few Grievers, my eyes set on a circular black abyss carved into the final stone wall ahead of me. 

Before I can reach it, another sharp pain in my temple causes me to fall to the stone floor once again, but this time, it refuses to subside. No matter how hard I clutch my head in my hands or how fast I rock back and forth, the pain won't go away. If anything, it worsens.

Sharp flashes of light stab at my closed eyelids, making me cry out in pain once again. I feel something inside of me click as the flashes of light become something resembling pictures. But I know they're not pictures. I've been through something like this before. 

Memories begin flooding my memories, some of them familiar to me. I must've seen some of them when I went through the Changing. Most of them, however, are completely new to me. Not ones of my past or even my life at all. 

They're good memories about everyone else. About life in the Glade before everything happened. Simple things like Frypan laughing or Winston pulling a prank. Minho and Ben running into the Maze. Venus making flower crowns or writing in her journal. Chuck showing me the final product of the little thing he whittled for his parents. Alby being the first to light the Bonfire or Newt meeting Thomas for the first time.

Everything good about life before things got so complicated.

And then the bad memories come back. Ones of the world before the Maze. The desert lands, the zombie-people, the abandoned homes, the sicknesses, and the scorching hot sun. Memories of my parents. Of me going through the Changing. Of me staying behind.

It all seems to flood my mind at such a rapid pace that I can no longer keep up with it. My brain throbs in my skull. My eyes hurt and water from squeezing them shut so tightly. I can't seem to stop my body from shaking. My hands clutch my head so tightly that I'm sure my fingers are white. My nails dig into my skull, trying to bring me back to reality, but it's no use. I'm slipping away for good this time. I know it.

Everything after that is a blur. I don't remember when I stand up. I don't remember when I finally am able to walk straight enough to make it to my final destination. I don't remember when I punch in the code and open the door, flooding the once dark, circular room with a dull blue light. 

It all feels like a bad, low quality movie. It feels as if I'm in a dream, moving at the speed of a slug. My eyesight is too blurry. I'm seeing all different colors.

And then I'm fading. My body is still there, but my mind is somewhere else. I'm watching everything play out from the sidelines, unable to control my actions anymore.

I'm slipping away into darkness. I can't control myself. My body isn't mine anymore. My mind isn't mine anymore. 

I've become a mindless drone at the Creator's disposal.

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