Gally officially wins boyfriend of the year award!! 🏆

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Gally's POV~

Knock knock.

"Come in." I hear her say from the other side of the door, but I can hear a slight crack in her voice when she says it. I open the door slowly to reveal Venus's tear-stained face as she lays curled up on her side on her bed, her arms clamped tightly over her lower stomach.

My face contorts into an expression of shock and concern. I rush over to her, kneeling beside her bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice soft. I carefully place a large hand on her cheek, rubbing away a few of her tears with my thumb. She doesn't respond. Instead, all I get in response is a sniffle. "What's wrong, Venus?" I ask again.

"It hurts." Venus replies weakly, fresh tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. Her eyebrows knit together in pain and she lets out a soft whimper.

"What does?" I ask, not fully understanding why she's in so much pain. 

"My cramps, dumbass." She snaps, but her eyes well up again after she says it. "I'm so sorry, Gal." She cries, her body racking with sobs. "I d-don't know what's wr-wrong with me."

"It's okay, Ven." I whisper, rubbing her tears away again. I slowly climb into the bed, hugging her waist from behind. I wrap my arms around her trembling body, my hands resting on top of hers. I press a kiss to her shoulder and neck before nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. 

"Thank you." She says softly, her breathing slowing down slightly. I don't respond. Instead, I press another kiss to the skin on her neck.

"Do you need anything?" I ask softly, tightening my grip around her body slightly. "I'll get you anything you need, okay? Just tell me what it is and I'll go get it."

I hear her laugh softly as she intertwines our fingers together.

"I have everything I need right here." She replies quietly, gripping my hand in hers. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face when she says that. I wish she knew how happy she makes me. I wish I could find the words to tell her. 

She lets out a few more whimpers and cries, but she stops shaking shortly after I lay down with her. 

I wish I could take her pain and make it mine so that she'd never have to experience this again. When I tell her this, however, Venus lets out a laugh.

"Gally, I've seen you in pain before. You wouldn't be able to handle this if you can barely handle your toe being stubbed." 

I laugh a little, the action making her shiver slightly.

"I'm not that bad when I get hurt. You're exaggerating."

"You nearly punched the wall when you stubbed your toe! Trust me, you wouldn't be able to handle this." She laughs again. I grin, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Okay, okay. Maybe you're right."

Venus turns her body so that she's facing me. She smiles brightly as she lays her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. She tangles our legs together, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Goodnight, Galpal. Thanks for everything." Venus says, her voice soft.

"Goodnight, Ven." I reply, kissing the top of her head before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Venus's POV~

I can't be asleep for more than an hour or so when I'm woken up by my cramps. God, I always forget how much they hurt. It feels as if someone's literally ripping apart the inside of my stomach for being a responsible teenager and not getting pregnant.

It only takes me shifting ever so slightly for Gally to snap awake, his eyes open and alert.

"What happened?" He asks. Although he looks wide awake, his voice says differently. It's still deep and raspy from sleep.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." I say softly, one arm clamping over my stomach. "Just having cramps again. Go back to sleep. They'll go away in a bit." I slowly sit up so that my back is against the wall.

Gally shakes his head, sitting up after me.

"Do you need anything?" He asks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Water, snacks, painkillers? Anything at all?"

I smile slightly despite the stabbing pains in my stomach. I can't help it. Gally may act tough, but he's so gentle and kind. I wish he'd let more people see this side of him.

"No, that's okay. Thank you though." I reply. Gally nods, running a hand through his short hair. "Go back to sleep."

He nods again, laying down, but this time, he lays so that his head can rest right next to my stomach, his hands resting on the skin. Gally gently rubs my stomach with his calloused hands, placing soft, gentle kisses to my lower abdomen. 

I smile, running my hands through his hair. His hands cause tingles to run up and down my spine, butterflies swarming my rib cage.

Gally adjusts himself as I lay down so that he can still rub my stomach and press the occasional kiss to the skin above the waistband of my pants. The feeling makes me giggle at first, but I quickly get used to it.

"If you need anything at all, let me know, okay? I don't care if I'm dead asleep and it's the middle of the night. Wake me up. I'll get you whatever you need."

Tears well up in my eyes. Gally looks up at me, meeting my eyes.

"You'd do that for me?" I ask, my voice cracking. Gally's blue eyes shine in the moonlight streaming through the small window above my bed. The light allows me to see his features. He's smiling a small smile. I see his lips twitch as if he's trying not to laugh. His eyes soften as they study mine. Gally places a hand on my cheek before pressing another kiss to my abdomen.

"There's very little I wouldn't do for you, Venus."

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