We love Bark🐶

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Gally and I are the first ones at dinner, grabbing our food and a table as the rest of the Gladers approach.

"So, I was thinking," I start before Gally cuts me off.

"Impressive." He says, taking a bite of his burger. 

"Shut up." I mutter, punching his shoulder lightly. "Anyways, as I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me, I was thinking, you've been spending an awful lot of time away from work. Why? Aren't you the Keeper?"

"Yes, and as the Keeper, I can excuse myself." He replies.

"But Keepers are supposed to make sure that their workers are doing everything correctly."

"They are and I do."

"Did Alby send you to make sure I don't get into any trouble. Look, I know I don't have the best reputation here, but I'm a changed woman."

"No, Alby isn't making me do anything."

"Then why do you suddenly care? You can't stand me."

"You're right. I can't stand you." 

"Well you seem to be able to lately."

"I wonder why." He mutters, rolling his eyes.

I'm about to say something else when Ben, Newt, and Minho sit down, each of them giving Gally a weird look.

"Gally?" Ben asks, looking at me. I just shrug, saying,

"How's Bark been?" I ask Ben as Minho and Newt start up their own conversation.

"Bark?" Gally asks, looking from me to Ben. I ignore him.

"He's good, but he misses you. I can't raise him by myself. You promised you'd help me."

"I know, but I've been super busy. I guess I'll have to visit him later tonight. I'll save him a bit of my burger or something as a present for my absence."

"Who the hell is Bark?!" Gally shouts. Ben and I look over at him, disappointment in our faces.

"Not so loud, Galpal. People are trying to eat."

Gally rolls his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest.

"There he is!" Ben shouts, pointing at something behind me. I turn to see an all too familiar dog sprinting over to me. I open my arms, allowing the dog to jump up into my lap and lick my face, it's tail wagging fiercely.

I scrunch up my nose in a smile, laughing at Bark's enthusiasm.

"That's disgusting!" Gally says, looking with disgust at the dog currently licking my nose.

"I've missed you, Bark!" I say enthusiastically as I hug the dog close to my chest. 

"Apparently he missed you too." Ben says with a grin. The dog begins sniffing my hair, causing me to laugh.

"It's a dog." Gally says bluntly. "It's disgusting and unsanitary and hairy and it smells like shit."

"You just described yourself, Gal." I say with an eye roll. He sighs, shaking his head.

"It isn't cute."

"Cute doesn't exist in your vocabulary. How would you know what cute is?" Ben snaps.

"It's a dog. It's on the table where people are eating."

"If you have a problem with him, you can always just go eat with the Builders." Minho suggests.

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