Gally becomes a fashionista 😎 💁

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Soft snores fill my hut when I wake up the next morning. I turn my head to face Gally. Our legs are tangled together, my hair is covering his face, one of his arms is draped across my stomach, the other one hanging off the side of the bed. 

"Your hair is in my fucking mouth." Gally grumbles, his voice raspy from having just woken up.

"Oh, sorry." I mutter, quickly gathering my thick hair and throwing it over my shoulder. I offer him a small, embarrassed smile, my cheeks burning brightly. 

"It's alright." His voice softens, something in his eyes changing when he lays eyes on me. He smiles crookedly at me, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

I pause before speaking. I don't wanna come across as annoying. "So, last night..." I finally manage, trailing off. "Kinda crazy." I shrug, fiddling with my fingers.

Gally's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, studying me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, y'know." I shrug again, my eyes shifting around my hut as he stares at me. "You and me and the... kisses. It just doesn't seem real. I mean, you and me." His eyebrows arch in amusement, the corners of his lips ticking upwards. "Not that there is a you and me!" I quickly add, silently cursing myself. "Not in that way, of course. There's a you, and there's a me, but that's it. There's nothing more than that. At least, not that I know of. I just mean that-"

Gally cuts me off, grinning with glee. "Would it be so bad?" He asks.

"Would... what be so bad?" My hands wring together in my lap as I sit up, turning my body to face him.

"You and me." He replies, a soft smile on his face. My face flushes.

"I-I mean..." I stutter, stumbling over my words as I look around my hut again. Anything to avoid his amused gaze. "No. No, it wouldn't." I mumble that last part, but he seems to have heard me. 

I feel my hands being gently pried apart. Looking up, I meet Gally's soft gaze, his hands cradling mine as if he'll crush them if he holds them too tight.

"I like you a lot, Venus. I want to be with you, not just be with you. Does that make sense?" I nod slowly, taking in his words carefully as he talks. "I don't want to just date you. I want a relationship. I want you to tell me everything about you. I don't mind if you go on for hours. I want to know you. Good and bad, I want to know you. Does that make sense?"

I pause. Gally looks at me. His hair is a mess and in the bright, early morning sunlight, he looks more beautiful and more human than I've ever seen him. He's looking at me with a hopeful, vulnerable look in his eyes.

"What are you asking?" I ask, slightly confused.

"I guess I'm asking you to trust me." He replies. "I want to be with you. Do you want to be with me?"

I take a moment to really look at him, taking in every feature.

His eyelashes are long and thick, freckles dotting his skin from the amount of time he spends in the sun every day. His skin is perfectly tanned, his hair short and cropped close to his head, but I notice the different shades of brown and blonde throughout the locks. 

I place my hand on his cheek, letting my fingers draw gentle constellations out of his freckles.

I drag my finger softly down the slope of his nose, noticing how it turns upwards at the end. His breath hitches just slightly in his throat, his lips parting just slightly.

"More than anything, Gally." I whisper, drawing his face down to meet mine in a soft, gentle kiss.

"Hey, V! I think you stole my-" Someone shouts, bursting into my hut. Gally and I immediately jump apart, both of our faces bright red.

"BEN! I TOLD YOU NOT TO BARGE IN ANYMORE!" I shriek. The Runner stands still, mouth agape and eyes wide.

"You two were..." He starts, trailing off. His face turns even redder as he stares between Gally and I. 

I cover my face with my hands, trying to keep myself from resembling anything worse than a tomato right now.

"I'll just... yeah." He mutters. It's as if Ben is in some sort of trance. He manages to trip over his own feet twice and barely misses the door frame as he turns around and walks back outside.

"Well, I guess they're all gonna know now." I groan, running a hand through my hair.

"They would've found out eventually." Gally soothes, running a hand up and down my back.

"Newt's gonna kill me."

"He won't kill you."

"Yes he will. If I'm not at lunch later, make sure Newt knows that I'll be haunting him for the rest of my afterlife for murdering me. Tell him that I'll be the face he sees in his nightmares- and trust me, he'll be having nothing but nightmares for the rest of his life."

"That's ridiculous." 

"I'll haunt you too if you don't tell him." I threaten, pointing an accusatory finger at him. Gally smiles, grabbing my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

"I'll be your personal body guard for the rest of the day."

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." He replies with a crooked grin. I jump up, causing Gally's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. "The hell was that?!" He shouts.

"I need to pick my outfit!" I exclaim, rushing over to my small dresser. I start opening the drawers, throwing things out of them as I try to figure out what I want to wear today. "What about... this?!" I shout, holding up a pair of cargos and a black tank top from the pile.

"Perfect. I'll leave so you can change. Let me know when you're done." Gally kisses the top of my head before walking out of my hut. I can't wipe the smile from my face as I change and lace up my boots.

I finally walk out of my hut to find Gally standing right there waiting for me. I grin when I see him, spinning in a circle for him.


"Much." He replies, but his eyebrows furrow.

"What's wrong? Something wrong with the outfit? I can change again if there is." 

Gally doesn't respond. Instead, he points down.

"You've got a stain on your..." He trails off. My face brightens as I try to see the stain. I can't. "I think it's blood."

Well shit.

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