Who else makes jokes when they're uncomfortable? 🖐🖐

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Venus's POV~

Running. Probably one of my least favorite things in the entire world next to people who can't take a joke and have no sense of humor. 

I'm trailing behind the rest of the group, Newt right beside me. Due to his limp, he can't run as fast as the others. Due to my lack of athleticism, I'm running at the same pace as him.

"How're you doing, Venny?" Newt calls out to me, gripping his upper thigh as he runs.

"Dandy as a fucking daisy." I snap, heaving for breath. "I'm over the fuckin' moon."

"Yeah, you sound like it." He teases, shooting me a small, lopsided grin. I flip him off before pushing stray hair off of my forehead. I notice the group ahead of us gradually slowing down, so Newt and I do the same. 

"This is it." Thomas calls out behind him, loud enough for everyone else to hear. "This is the way home."

"Can we take a break for a second?" I ask, panting as I rest my hands on my upper thighs. Thomas raises an eyebrow, but reluctantly agrees.

Some kids slump against walls and slide to the floor while others just collapse onto the stone floor heaving for breath. Newt and I join Chuck, Minho, and Thomas against one of the walls, sliding to sit on the ground.

I can feel their eyes on me as I reach into the small bag I brought and pull out a canteen of water. Ignoring them, I gulp down some of it, handing the rest to Chuck, who gratefully accepts it.

"So..." Minho starts, clapping his hands together. "How's everybody feelin'?"

"Shut up." I snap. Minho throws his hands in the air.

"No one was talking!" He argues.

"We don't need to."

"Well then it's just awkward!"

"You made it awkward by talking in the first place!"

"Bloody hell! Both of you shut up!" Newt shouts to be heard over our bickering. Minho gives an exaggerated eye roll in Newt's direction, causing me to grin slightly.

"Venus?" Chuck asks after a moment of silence, his voice soft. I look down at him, my gaze softening.

"Yeah, Chuckie?" I ask, pushing his curls off of his forehead with my hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, wooden figurine. He holds it out to me, tears brimming his eyes. "Did you make this?" I ask in disbelief, twirling the figurine around in my palm.

"For my parents." He mutters with a small nod. "If something happens, will you find them and give that to them for me?"

"Chuck, I already told you-" Thomas starts, but Chuck cuts him off.

"I know what you said. I just... I need to be sure that they'll get it." He mutters. I wipe away the tear that streaks his face with the pad of my thumb, brushing his curls away from his face again.

"I promise." I whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "But you're gonna make it out of here and give it to them yourself, okay?" He smiles and throws his arms around my body, pressing his face into my shoulder. I smile and wrap the young boy in my arms, pressing kisses to the top of his head. When he pulls away, I look at the figure again and ask, "It's incredible, Chuckie. Where did you learn to make it?"

Chuck's face turns slightly pink and he immediately looks down at the stone floor, rubbing his arm with his hand. 

"Gally." He whispers, his voice barely even audible. I look down at the figure again, a small smile crossing my face at the thought of Gally teaching Chuck how to whittle.

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