Congrats! Venus scored one free Gally hoodie!

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"Shit. Fucking hell." I mutter, tangling my hands in my hair. "Shit."

"What the fuck is going on, Venus?!" Gally shouts, his hands shaking. "Are you dying or something?!"

Sure, I've had periods here before, but I've always been able to tell before I get one. I've never bled through before. Especially not in front of a guy.

"No, I'm not dying. It's worse." I reply with a groan.

"What the hell does that mean?! You're bleeding from down there and you're not dying?! What could be worse than dying?!" His voice is five octaves higher than usual. If it weren't for the  circumstances, I'd be cracking up right now.

"Just shut up and let me think!" I shout. Gally stops talking, closing his eyes to avoid looking at the blood. I roll mine at how pathetic he's being, but I honestly can't blame him. He doesn't know what a period is. 

The shittiest thing about this is that I ran out of pads last month. I'll need to go to the Medhut to get more, which means that I have to share this insanely embarrassing experience with Clint and Jeff and whoever else may be in the hut.

I groan again, running a hand through my hair before exhaling a deep breath I didn't know I'd been holding in.

"Okay. I'll be right back. I have to go to the Medjack hut." I finally say. Gally opens his eyes.

"I'm going with you." He says.

"You don't have to do that, Galpal. I know what to do."

"So you're telling me that you're gonna leave me here without an explanation as to why you're bleeding from down there? Yeah, that's not happening." He crosses his arms, raising one eyebrow.

I sigh. "Fine. I don't have the patience for this right now."

I start walking away, Gally right on my heels. I feel him grab my waist and hold me still.

"The fuck are you doing?" I snap, turning around to face him, his large hands still firmly holding my waist. 

"Just stay here for a second, okay? I'll be right back." He says. Before I can say anything or protest, Gally walks away, his strides long and quick.

I huff out a sigh, crossing my arms and tapping my foot on the ground. 

Luckily, Gally isn't gone for long. He's back within a minute, holding something in his hand. He holds it out to me when he reaches me.

"What's this?" I ask, taking it from his hands and unraveling it.

"One of my hoodies. It was the first one I could find. I figured you could wrap it around your waist so that nobody asks questions." He replies. I can't help the tears that form in my eyes. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't-" 

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his torso, holding him close. Gally hesitates for a second, probably very taken aback by my reaction, before wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you." I whisper when I pull away. I quickly wrap the hoodie around my waist before making my way to the Medjack hut, Gally right on my heels.

I don't even bother to knock on the Medhut door before entering. I just walk right in and make my way immediately to the cabinets.

"Hey, V! Watcha lookin' for?" Jeff asks, coming around the corner with a smile on his face.

"Has anything strange looking come up in the Box lately for me? Anything that you wouldn't normally find on Box days?" I ask.

Jeff pauses. "What do you mean, strange looking?"

"She's bleeding and she won't tell me why." Gally says quickly, cutting me off. I shoot him a glare.

"Bleeding, you say?" He asks, crossing his arms. Gally and I nod at the same time. "Where? I don't see any cuts or gashes anywhere."

"Down there." Gally responds again, pointing downwards. I feel my face redden for what must be the hundredth time today. 

"It's called a period, you morons! It happens once a month when a woman decides she doesn't want a baby. It lasts about a week and makes me crazy hormonal. I get moodier than usual, start to break out, get crazy dehydrated, I'm tired all the time, I get really bloated, and I'm usually in intense pain all over."

"When you say intense pain, how bad is it?" Gally asks, knitting his eyebrows together.

"I guess it varies between each woman, but for me, it's intense pain. Probably worse than being kicked in your man parts."

"That doesn't seem very fair that women have to go through that and men don't." He says.

"It's extremely unfair, but I don't think men could handle it. 

"Well what exactly did you need?" Jeff asks. "What makes it go away?"

"It'll go away on its own in about a week, but I need some stuff to keep it under control so that I don't bleed all over everything. Was there maybe a box with my name on it?"

"Let me check the back." He says before walking towards the back of the hut. 

"So you're gonna be sad all week?" Gally asks.

"Sad, angry, happy, etc. Almost every emotion a human can feel, I'll be experiencing." A pause. "If I yell at you or get upset with you, you probably didn't do anything wrong."

"Noted." He mutters. "And nothing makes it better?"

"Painkillers and laying something warm on my stomach will help with some of it. Food helps too. Sweet stuff, mostly, but I tend to crave salty stuff."

"Are you hungry right now?" 

"A little, I guess." I reply with a shrug. "You got food?"

"I always have a snack in my pocket just in case of an emergency." Gally says, digging through his jeans pocket. "I just put this in here earlier when I grabbed you the hoodie, so it should be okay still. If not, I can go grab something else."

Gally finds the snack, pulling it out of his pocket and handing it to me. I almost cry when I see it. Or should I say, them.

He's handed me a two pack of peanut butter cups and a small bag of pretzels.

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