Another day, another Greenie

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"I call this meeting to order." Alby says loudly, addressing all the Keepers in the Meeting hut, Maverick and I seated in the middle. The quiet murmurs of the boys dies down instantly, everyone turning their attention to our leader. "I'm sure 'most every one of you knows what this meeting is for. Long story short, Maverick said some klunk to Venus, resulting in her punching him in the gut."

The boys nod, a few quiet agreements being muttered. I roll my eyes, feeling Maverick's intense stare on me. I ignore him, keeping my eyes trained on Alby.

"Our second rule clearly states to never harm another Glader. It breaks trust rather than builds it and causes more harm than good." Alby pauses for a moment, his gaze falling on Maverick and I. "However, we all agreed when Venus came up in the Box that there was to be no harassment of any kind, which includes verbal. I informed every Greenie that came up in that Box during their tour. The hope was that clearing that up with everyone would help Venus feel safer, as well as more like one of us rather than an outsider or constantly afraid of the boys."

Alby pauses again, giving a chance for everyone to digest this information. I quickly scan the room, looking briefly at each and every Keeper. When I get to Gally, I find that he's already staring at me, his gaze cold and intense. I look away immediately, my face burning lightly.

"However, Venus informed me yesterday after the incident that she's had to deal with comments made from boys for the three years she's been here and never once said anything."

The room goes silent, every boy's eyes trained on me. I suddenly feel self conscious under their gazes.

"While I do think that what Maverick said was wrong, I think that Venus should have stepped forward and said something, rather than just keeping quiet about it. How can we fix a problem we know nothing about?" Alby asks, pointing at Minho. "Thoughts?"

"Maverick should be sent to the Slammer for three days.  Venus gets let off the hook." I shoot him a quick smile before returning my attention to the next Keeper.

"That's unfair! He's only saying that because they're friends!" Maverick shouts, shooting out of his chair. Everybody glares at him, causing him to sit down immediately due to a sudden wave of shame and embarrassment.

"Moron." I scoff quietly, rolling my eyes. I see him glare at me out of the corner of my eye, but I ignore it once more.

"I agree with Minho." Zart, the Keeper of the Trackhoes, says. "What he said to her can't just be waved away. He got what he deserved."

"I agree, but I think two days is efficient." Winston says. Alby silently nods as each boy shares their opinions, most being in favor of Maverick being sent to the Slammer and me being let off the hook.

"He deserved worse." Gally mutters when it's his turn to vote. "Regardless, I agree with Minho. Three days for Maverick, Venus off the hook." He says all of this without looking at me. In fact, the first time he's looked at me all day today was when he was glaring at me just a few minutes ago. For some reason, the thought makes my blood boil with anger.

"And Newt? What are your thoughts?" Alby asks, turning to the blonde boy beside him. Newt runs a hand through his hair before looking at me, shooting a quick look of disgust at Maverick before turning his attention back to the Keepers."

"I agree with Gally. Venus acted in self-defense. I don't think she should be punished for simply standing up for herself." Alby nods, silent for a moment before saying,

"Maverick, you get three days in the Slammer with one meal a day. Venus, you don't have a punishment since you were acting out of self-defense. Anything else?" He asks the crowd. The boys all shake their heads, muttering a few words here and there. "Meeting adjourned. Go back to work."

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