''Pipe down, loverboy.''

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Sitting in the Medjack hut listening to Alby grunt as he thrashes against his restraints tying him to his cot and sitting next to a half dead girl is not how I imagined this day to go, but here I am, doing just that. Clint and Jeff's company helps cure my boredom though. They're genuinely fun boys to be around once they stop arguing, get comfortable, and start telling jokes.

"Okay, okay. I've got a good one. Would you rather spend a night with Zart the Fart, or be stuck in the Maze for the night?" Jeff asks, leaning forward in his chair, a grin on his face. I wrinkle my nose when he mentions Zart, weighing my options.

"Nothing happens between me and Zart, right?"

"No, but you still have to sleep in the same bed as him."

"I can't make a bed on the floor all the way across the room in a corner or something?" I ask hopefully. Jeff shakes his head, a smile still on his face.

"This game is stupid." Clint mutters from across the room, checking the girls pulse again.

"No it's not, Clint. You're just pissed off because Jeff would rather make out with Minho than you." I snap. I snort a laugh as I watch Clint's face turn red, turning his back on Jeff and I. I turn back to Jeff. "The Maze."

"Really?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. "You'd rather spend a night with the Grievers than Zart?"

"Yeah. They probably smell better then him. There's no way I could sleep in the same bed as him when he smells like that." Jeff and I both wrinkle our noses at the thought of Zart constantly smelling like sour milk. 

"I agree. I'd go Maze too over Zart." Jeff says, nodding in approval at my decision.

"Would you rather work as a Bagger or a Slicer?" I ask. Jeff wrinkles his nose again in disgust at the two options. I smile, leaning back in my chair.

"I have no other job options?" He asks. I shake my head.

"You could always quit playing this stupid game for toddlers and do your actual job." Clint says, cleaning up some of the bandages from earlier.

"Pipe down, loverboy." I snap, turning back to Jeff and rolling my eyes. Jeff lets out a loud laugh, watching Clint's face turn red once again. 

"I guess Slicer. I already see blood all the time." I nod. "Would you rather-"

Jeff's cut off by three boys entering the Medhut. I look up and see Newt, Minho, and Thomas walking towards us, serious expressions on all of their faces.

I see Thomas cast a wary, curious glance in Alby's direction as I stand up next to Jeff. I try to smile at the three boys, but they don't smile back. It's clear that there's something extremely wrong going on here.

"Venus, Jeff, what's going on? What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?" Newt asks immediately, looking down and examine the new girls face. 

"Woah, one question at a time, Amphibiboy." I say, rolling my eyes. He just casts a serious look at me, causing my small smile to drop as quickly as it appeared.

"Hey, man. We got our jobs the same way you did." Jeff replies, his tone serious despite us joking just a moment ago.

I notice that Thomas can't seem to take his eyes off of the new girl. Newt and I make eye contact and I nod in Thomas's direction. Newt's head snaps towards the brunette, his jaw clenched as a jealous look passes over his face. He's clearly not happy with Thomas's fascination of the new Greenie. 

"Well, do you recognize her?" The blonde asks, unable to hide the jealousy lacing his voice. Minho and I share a look, slight amusement in our eyes.

"No." Thomas replies, shaking his head. He doesn't bother to look up at Newt. I can tell that Newt is getting frustrated with Thomas.

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