It's getting hot in here! (So hot!) So take off all your clothes!

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"Can we talk?" I hear him ask softly outside my door. I roll my eyes, but open the door slowly, my eyes meeting his deep blue ones.

"Why are you here, Gally?" I ask, anger boiling through my veins at just the sight of him.

"To talk." He replies bluntly, gently pushing the door open more. I try to force it closed again, but he's much stronger than me, so he easily keeps it open. 

I give up after my many efforts of trying to keep him out. I throw my hands into the air angrily, walking away from the door and running my hands through my hair. Gally walks inside, closing the door quietly behind him.

We stand in an awkward silence, staring at each other, unable to look away. Neither one of us wants to break eye contact. We're both far too stubborn.

"You wanted to talk, so talk." I snap, still refusing to break the intense eye contact. Gally's the one to break, his eyes ripping away from me to dart around my room. He runs a hand over his growing hair before sighing loudly and meeting my eyes again.

"I just wanted to apologize. What I said last night wasn't right. I'm sorry."

"Wow, great observation. You want a gold star?" I sneer, rolling my eyes again before saying, "You're absolutely right. It wasn't right. It was mean and hypocritical! You had no right to tell me that it was wrong of me to punch Maverick after what he said to me! He fucking deserved it and you know it!"

Gally's about to speak when I cut him off, anger and insecurities consuming my body. 

"You say that you want to have a relationship with me, but you have no interest in asking me to be your girlfriend! You tell me that you'll always protect me, but you have no interest in doing that when I need it! You say that you'll always be on my side, but when I need you to actually be on my side, you completely blow me off! You left me after he said all that shit! I needed you, Gally! I needed you and you left me!" My hands are threaded in my hair, my voice loud and my eyes watering. I can't help the emotion flooding through my body right now. He's staring at me, eyes wide, mouth agape.

"You can't just do that to me..." I say quietly, my voice cracking. "You can't. Not if-" I cut myself off, forcing myself to swallow back the wave tears that threaten to spill out of my eyes.

"I don't-..." He starts before trailing off, running a hand through his hair again. He turns away from me before turning back, recollecting himself before speaking again. "I don't know what to say, Venus. I thought I was doing the right thing when I left. I didn't think you'd wanna talk. I thought you'd wanna be left alone."

"I didn't. I wanted you to stay. All I've ever wanted was for you to stay." I look away from him, unable to meet his gaze. 

"Well, I'm sorry." He mutters. That's it. That's all he says. A new wave of anger floods my body, consuming my thoughts. I don't know why I'm so upset right now. I don't know why I keep talking or what's fueling the words. 

"That's it? That's all you have to say after everything I just told you?" I scoff, a short, sharp, humorless laugh escaping my lips before I can stop it. "I just- I don't understand you, Gally! I just told you all this shit about how I'm feeling and you have nothing to say about it?! Do you just not care?! Is that it?! I don't understand what you want?! Why the hell are you even here, huh?! What was the point in coming here?!"

He's staring at me again with that same, shocked expression plastered on his face.

"You know why I'm here!" He says loudly. "I told you why!"

"To talk?!" I sneer. "Bullshit!"

"It's not!"

"Why are you really here?! What do you want?!

"I told you!" He shouts through gritted teeth. "I told you what I want!"

"Did you?! That's funny, because I don't remember you saying what you wanted! So what is it, huh?! Tell me, because I can't seem to figure it out!"

"You!" He screams loudly, his hands gripping his hair. We both go quiet. I can see how heavy his breath is; see his chest moving rapidly up and down. "I want you, Venus."

We both pause, standing as still as statues, just staring at each other. It's as if time's been frozen, leaving us to stare into each other's eyes. I remember when I said that to him. The situation had been entirely different, yet he's staring at me the same way he was when I said it to him. Like I'm something worth looking at.

 A million feelings are washing over me. Anger, confusion, hurt, fear... desire. Longing. A yearning to be in his arms.

Maybe we aren't the best together. Maybe we argue too much. Maybe we piss each other off too much. Maybe I annoy him and he drives me absolutely insane. Maybe we're both too stubborn for our own goods. But even with all of that, all our flaws, he's the only one I want. He always has been. 

And, as if the world's been unfrozen, we crash into each other, meeting in the middle. I practically throw myself at him, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist and catching me in mid-air. 

My legs are wrapped tightly around his torso, my hands threading into his hair. I feel one of his hands wrapping itself in my dark hair, the other one holding me close to his body. 

He stumbles around, tripping over the random objects scattered across my floor before finding the bed, gently laying us both down. He uses one arm to hold himself up, the other still wrapped tightly around my back. I break the kiss to breath, but Gally immediately attaches his lips to my neck.

I have to bite my lip to keep any noises from escaping. A grin spreads across my face, my head dizzy and my mind foggy. This feels like a dream. Everything that's happening feels like a dream, but I know that it's not. It's very real. 

My nails are digging into Gally's shoulders in order to keep myself grounded as he trails kisses from my neck to my jawline. My heart is thumping loudly in my chest, my mind barely able to contain itself. 

I tighten my legs around his torso, causing a low rumble in his chest, but he doesn't stop kissing me for a second. His lips are back on mine. He's kissing me like I'm oxygen and he's been dying to breathe. Like if he doesn't, he'll fall apart. Like he needs me. Like he wants me.

And I feel myself beginning to unravel.

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