If a girl ever tells you that she'll show you crazy, RUN

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"Medjack! I need a Medjack!" Someone shouts, bursting through the door. I jump up from my chair, snapping my journal shut and letting it fall to the floor.

Morgan stands behind me, cradling his hand to his chest. I rush forward and help him sit on one of the cots, nearly having to pry his hand away from his chest so that I can see what happened.

The entire side of his hand is bruised black and blue, the skin already swelled up.

"The fuck happened to your hand?!" I shout, rushing to the small freezer in the hut and grabbing an ice pack.

"Hammer." He replies with a groan of pain, closing his eyes tightly. "I missed the nail."

"Shit, Morgan. You missed the entire nail?" I wrap the pack of ice in a thin cloth before placing it gingerly on his hand.

"I wasn't paying attention." He says, sighing in relief. The ice pack must be numbing the pain already. "Hey, your friends with Gally, right?"

I nod, grabbing a bottle of painkillers. "Why do you ask?" I wonder, opening the bottle and taking two pills out.

"You like him?" Morgan tilts his head to one side, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you like him, like him? Do you have a crush on him or something?"

I shrug and sit down next to him, saying, "I dunno. I don't remember what it feels like to have a crush on someone." A pause. "I think... I think he likes me though." I mutter that last bit, grinning to myself and rubbing my forearm. I've never said that out loud to anyone before. 

Morgan scoffs. "Likes you? That's insane, Venus. I mean, look at you. Who could like you?"

I feel my face burn and my stomach twist into a knot. The smile on my face fades, now replaced by a look of shame and shock combined.

"Whatever romance you invented in your mind between you and him just proves how naive you are." He continues, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I mean, have you seen yourself? You think he's impressed with you?"

I look at the wooden floor, a lump forming in the back of my throat. Morgan leans forward, tilting my head up and forcing me to look at him.  He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, shaking his head slightly.

"No, Venus. He doesn't like you. He just wants to win a bet."

My body aches as I swallow back tears. I want to curl up in a corner and cry, but I can't move. My whole body feels paralyzed. I remember what Newt said earlier about the Builders making bets about me and wonder if maybe Gally was one of them.

"I, on the other hand, could be so good to you." He whispers, leaning close to my face. "I could be so much better than him."

My heart rate quickens as his face inches even closer to mine. I stand up quickly, stumbling backwards. I cry out in pain as Morgan follows, slamming me into a wall. He leans close to me, running a hand down my side.

TW: It isn't really SA, but it might be difficult for some of you to read

"L-let me g-go." I stutter, fighting back tears.

"Beg me." He whispers into my ear with a dark chuckle, staring down at me. His dark eyes are nearly black.

A sob escapes my lips as I try weakly to push him off of me. I hit his chest repeatedly to get him away, but nothing seems to work. 

"Listen to me, sweetheart. Some of the Builders and I have made bets about which of us could fuck you. I intend on winning that bet. So be a good girl and-"

I don't let him finish his sentence. Anger rushes through my body, a shriek of rage ripping my throat to pieces as I shove him off of me with all my power. Morgan stumbles backwards, falling to the ground with a thud.

"You fucking dick!" I shriek, allowing my newfound feeling of power to completely consume me. "You think I'm somebody that you can make bets on and win like some fucking trophy?!"

Morgan looks utterly terrified as I loom over him, slowly stepping forward until I'm standing just a few inches away from his shaking body.

"I'm a person! I have feelings! You don't have the right to make bets on me or to talk about my body!"

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, causing me to thrash and kick in the persons arms.

"Shhhh, Ven, it's okay. What happened?" Gally whispers into my ear, hugging me close to his body. I twist around, punching his chest repeatedly until he lets me go, shock written all over his face.

"You fucking let them do this! How could you?! I fucking trusted you!" I scream, tears rolling down my cheeks as I continue hitting his chest. Gally doesn't move. He doesn't say anything. He just lets me punch him.

My movements begin to slow as I allow the sadness to replace the anger. The tears begin flowing more freely and I realize now how badly my hand hurts from hitting Gally so much. His chest is like a freaking rock.

"What the fuck did you do, Morgan?" Gally snaps his head towards the other Builder who's standing up, cradling his hand to his chest once again.

"I didn't do anything, man! She's fucking crazy!" Morgan shouts, holding his hands in the air.

That's what gets me. My head snaps up, my tears suddenly gone. All I feel is anger once again. I slowly turn towards Morgan, glaring daggers at him.

"You want crazy?" I ask quietly, slowly advancing on him. "I'll show you fucking crazy."

The Builder's eyes widen in horror and he takes off running out of the Medhut. I turn on Gally, glaring up at him.

"Newt was right about you, y'know that? You're a horrible person. All you wanted to do was get in my pants, huh? That's all any of you boys want! None of you want to be my friend or get to know me! All you want is sex, is that it?!" My voice is rising with every second that passes. Every word I speak is spoken with venom. I want to poison him with my words. I want him to feel how badly I'm hurting right now.

"No, Ven, that's not-"

"Don't fucking call me that!" I scream, punching his chest again. "You have no right to fucking call me that!" The tears that fall from my eyes are from anger and frustration at the fact that I was too blinded by my feelings to see his intentions as Newt said the other night. He was right. About everything. Newt was right.

"I fucking defended you! I was such a fucking fool!"

"Venus, slow down, okay? Stop hitting me. You're hurting yourself. Just stop and let me explain-"

"There's nothing to explain! You're just like everyone else! I can't believe I thought you were different!"

"What did Morgan tell you, Venus? What did he tell you about me?" Gally asks, grabbing my wrist gently to keep me from hitting him again.

"He told me about all the fucking bets that you guys made about me! That's why you were so nice to me! You wanted to win a bet!"

"He lied to you, Venus. You know I would never-"

"No, I don't! I don't know that! Newt saw right through you! He knew your intentions! He tried to warn me and I didn't fucking listen!" I rip my arm away from Gally, stepping backwards towards the door. 

I look him in the eyes as my hand reaches for the doorknob. His eyes are pleading with mine to stay and listen to what he has to say. 

"Don't go, Venus. Please, just let me explain." He begs. I open the door. I step out of the Medhut and into the daylight.

"Go fuck yourself." I mutter, turning around and heading for the Deadheads.

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