Venus gives off Michael Scott vibes with all these 'That's what she said' jokes

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Venus's POV~

I stayed in the Medjack Hut all night. I slept in a chair beside Minho's bed. I hardly got any sleep. I'm utterly exhausted.

I join Newt, Gally, and Ben at breakfast in the morning after Jeff practically shoved me out of the Medhut.

"You're unusually quiet today, V." Ben says, nudging me with his shoulder. I lift my head from my hand to look up at him, rubbing my eyes before asking,

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"What's wrong, love?" Newt asks.

"Just didn't get much sleep." I mutter, one arm crossing over my stomach due to faint cramps. "Do we have coffee or something here?"

"I don't think so. That is, unless Frypan's stashing it somewhere for himself." Ben replies with a small grin. I groan, resting my head back on my palm.

"Hey, you wanna do something later?" Gally asks me. I slowly let my eyes open before looking at him.

"What'd you have in mind?" 

"I dunno. I've never really taken a girl out on a date before." He says with a shrug.

"A date?" I ask, my eyes slightly widening. I swear, I almost choked on the fucking air when he said that.

"Wait, so it's official? You two are dating?" Ben asks, his eyes widening.

"Well not officially, dumbass." Gally mutters. I feel my face heating up.

"You guys have made out, but you're not dating?" Newt wonders, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"Can we not have this conversation at breakfast?" I snap.

"It just doesn't make sense. You two kiss and do god bloody knows what else, but you're not dating?"

"I haven't asked yet." Gally snaps. "And we haven't done more than kiss." He mumbles.

"Not morning people, huh? A match made in heaven, if you ask me." Ben grins over at Newt. Newt returns it before saying,

"When were you planning to pop the question?"

"I'd really rather not talk about this right here, right now." The Builder mumbles, his eyes darting from Newt to me and back again.

"I'm practically invisible already. Please, continue this very riveting conversation about our love lives." My head is still resting in the palm of my hand when I speak, but after I finish my sentence, I drop my arm, crossing both across my chest instead.

"Perfect. So, what did you have in mind?"

"I don't-"

"How were you gonna ask her?"

"I d-"

"Where were you gonna-"

"What is this, a game of 20 questions?" Gally snaps at Ben to shut him up. "She's sitting right there, so just shut up about it already."

"It'd be nice if you said please." Ben mutters. Gally shoots him a glare and Ben quickly puts his arms up in surrender. "Sorry for the request for politeness. I'll make sure to remember that the word please isn't in your vocabulary for next time."

Gally continues glaring at him before I ask,

"What should I wear for this date you haven't planned yet?" I ask, directing a grin at Ben. He returns it.

"Whatever you want." The Builder shrugs.

"Well that really narrows down my options." I roll my eyes. "What about work? I mean, Clint and Jeff won't mind if I take a day off, but you're a Keeper. You can't just not show up. Alby would kill you."

"I'll take care of it." He assures me.

"Just keep the bloody kissing to a minimum." Newt waves his fork between the two of us.

"We haven't even kissed in front of you one damn time." I reply.

"And I'd like to keep it that way."

"Aw, is Newtie jealous that he doesn't have a boyfriend?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows. Newt's cheeks flush as he looks around him warily.

"A little louder, please. I don't think Paul heard you from the back table." He mutters, jabbing a thumb behind him at Paul. I honestly feel bad for that kid. He doesn't seem to have many friends. "Just no make out sessions out in the open, okay? I don't wanna see that."

"Then don't look." I reply with a shrug. Gally grins at me and I return the smile before Newt groans, running a hand through his hair.

"This isn't a joke, Venus."

"I wasn't laughing."

"I'm serious."

"Me too."

"Why is everything so shucking hard with you?" He asks in an exasperated tone. 

"That's what she said." Ben snickers beside me, but after Newt shoots him a look, he immediatly stops.

"You're not bloody funny."

"Sorry. I say things like that to lighten the tension when things get hard." I say, forcing myself not to smile. I can hear Ben trying not to burst out laughing beside me. I look over at Gally and see that the corners of his lips are turned up slightly in a small smile. He mouths the words at me, causing me to break into a fit of laughter. Ben, unable to contain his laughter anymore, also breaks into a fit of laughter beside me.

"Children. You guys are children." Newt mutters, running a hand through his hair.

"So are you, dumbass." I say after catching my breath.

"Whatever. Just please keep the shucking kissing to a minimum."

"What if I'm walking towards Gally and he's walking towards me and we both fall at the same time, causing us to lock lips on accident?"

"The chances of that happening are very small."

"Just like the chances of us staying friends after this conversation." I mutter. Newt glares at me, his hair falling into his eyes. "It was just a joke, jeez."

"What about holding hands? Can we do that?" Gally asks, joining the conversation.

"I mean, that's not as bad as bloody making out in front of everyone, so I guess it'd be fine. This is really a conversation you should have with Alby though."

"What about hugging? Can I hug him?" I ask. 

"Hugging would be fine." He replies with an eye roll.

"What about sitting next to him? Can I do that, or is that too sexual for you?" I add with a grin. Gally's grinning at me as well, Ben still laughing silently beside me. Newt groans, pushing up his hair once more.

"I've had it with this conversation. Just get a room, okay? That'll make it easier for everyone."

"We have a room." I reply, wiggling my eyebrows at Gally. He nods with a grin. "But what'd be the point of using it when we could just kiss out here?"

Newt rolls his eyes, rubbing a hand over his face. "Just use the damn room, okay?" He snaps.

"Oh, we will." I smirk. I look over at Gally and see his face turning pink. 

"Oh, gross!" Newt shouts. Ben's still cracking up, nearly on the floor due to how much he's laughing.

"See ya later, alligators." I say, standing up. I give them all a two finger salute before walking away towards my hut, still grinning to myself. Messing with Newt like that never gets old.

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